My rating: 5 of 5 stars
It was pretty good
Spoilers... thrown throughout this review....
This the second book that I’ve read by Justeen Jones. I can say I wasn’t disappointed. But, I definitely thought a bomb was about to drop (meaning; Jonas was going to start some SHHHH) like the other girl Leigh in the last book I read.
But he didn’t lol; he ONLY was upset because Damion came into Nicole and Macy life. I had to roll my eyes, because for one he should’ve known that eventually someone was going to come into Nicole and Macy life and want a family. Instead he waited to long to pull a move on Nicole. Got mad because Damion got in her pants (as he says). I had to SMH, because I knew he wanted it to be him.
I was glad when he finally came around and realize that Damion wasn’t a issue; that he wasn’t going to hurt Macy as he assume he was due to his jealousy. One thing I do like to point out was after Nicole birthday party; I think the noise that both her and Damion heard while they were kissing wasn’t Macy. I think it was Jonas probably. Because I think he came back, thinking everybody left. Not sure if Nicole, locked her door or not. But Jonas definitely came in the next day, like a tornado
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