My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Spoilers throughout this *****+review***+
I was definitely curious about this book and what would happen.
I will say this I didn’t like that Rory got picked on for her size. But reading this I already know that people sometimes are jealous of you and it’s not your size it’s the person you are. That person who bully’s you only try to make themselves feel better.
It didn’t matter that Rory was a big girl. Because I know that even if you are Big or Small you will get talked about. Skinny females get talked about being to skinny and need to eat whereas bigger women get talk about being fat and needing to lose weight.
What I come to realize is that I’ve come to read books on bigger girls getting bully by smaller girls. When in reality In real life it’s actually the opposite. It’s smaller girls getting y’all down on by someone bigger than them. I just wish that was talked about more in books rather than only one figure.
So with that being said. I did like how Beckett didn’t care about the size of Rory and how much she weight. I liked that because I felt that he saw something in her that she didn’t see. I was glad that she finally figure out that she was beautiful no matter what size she is because regardless of her being a big girl she still will get LOVED by someone.
I felted like her mother didn’t help her at all. Her mom put those insecurities inside of Rory for the most part. Especially when trying to make her dieted and bringing things or doing things in front of other people. To make Rory embarrassed I felt bad for her when it came to her mom. I was glad when she told her mom off and let her understand how she felt when it came to her controlling ways.
Plus; with the other girls Zara, Callie, Ginger and Jordan. I was with Rory on that those girls dissed her and didn’t give her a chance at all. They just thrown her away. Just because they assume that she didn’t want to there friend no more. I mean clearly; she shown them that she still wanted to be friends. But they didn’t see it until after the assembly where she apologized to Beckett.
I knew in the end that they all was going to forgive each other. Because all five of them thought the same thing of each other. Which was ridiculous all they had to do was TALK. Smh!
With Beckett I was glad he forgave Rory and stop being mean to her just because of something Merritt did. I still say she to blame because she a horrible person. But Rory knew she was wrong too. Not only that Carson even had something to do with what was going on. But I’m just glad things worked out. I wish I could’ve seen (read) Merritt face when Beckett forgave Rory and got back wit her.
Also; liked The bonus scene with Beckett telling his dad how he didn’t want to do College football but go to college for photography. I liked that because he trash talked Rory for lying but he was lying to himself and his dad and kept secrets.
Plus; I can’t wait to read Jordan and Kai story I know it’s going to be interesting. Plus; I hope when Callie get her book; I hope she ends up with Carson because it’s something there with them. If not that’ll be disappointing and if they don’t end up together. I wonder will there friendship be the same.
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