My rating: 4 of 5 stars
They both Hunter & Brooke came out strong
**** There's a few Spoilers in this review:***
I've had been sad when reading a book; I've been upset, even shed a little tear here and there...I can't remember how many books I may have been said or shed a tear, but I'm just going to make it short and point out how this book had me sad, and I did get teary-eyed when they kidnap and beat her well more so Kara... I know that feeling of getting bullied by people who were popular and talk bad about how you look or the way you dressed... I think when you get bullied, it's for the once's you talk down on you to make you feel bad about yourself which can break you or even kill you... such as Hunter (wanting to kill himself) to Brooklyn (break the person who she was in elementary and half of elementary) ... it's like jealousy makes people bitter as heck and want you to feel bad about yourself because their life isn't perfect and people may not like them or want them. That is what Kara showed and it was bad when Emma and Dan follow her every move I felt like just as Hunter maybe they were afraid of her too; but when they'd realize how far Kara was going to take it they put their foot down, but in the end they still got charged for the crimes they did... but at least Dan gotten less charge since he didn't do much and even Emma but more so I felt like John and Kara deserve those years that they got but like Brooke said Kara was the one that needed to pull that time and get charged more than the others since she was the main one to beat Brooke down and abuse her... I had to laugh with them when Riley said Kara was going to end up being FAT and someone B***H in jail... I was like HECK YEAH I hope so...
I was glad. At the end that Brooke got that justice that she needed and what bad was Kara wanted to hurt Hunter too that lady so horrible that she would go to the extreme smh! That hate she had for Brooke was crazy.. but at least everyone was supportive of Brooke and glad she hell her head high and came back to school. & even won prom queen!!! Bet that I wish that those chapters weren't so dang LOOOOOONG!!!!
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