My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Pretty good
What a waste; Josh was at least Alyssa came out with something good from her summer in Virginia Beach... I got excited when I saw well read this book & it stated that she was in Virginia my home state.... plus Virginia Beach is so fun... & it’s crazy how it has different sections on that beach......
Besides that Alyssa got out of that heartache with Josh, especially if he dated her former ex-best friend & then some other girl... never know he could’ve been a hoe all along. I can tell Josh was a little jealous seeing Alyssa dancing with Sven I’m like ehh don’t hate... she got the better boy with the sexy name... but at least in the end her mom got the house back; I think her dad was just petty....& it was good that Sven decided to stay in the United States & ended up going to Boston College; dating his American girlfriend.... I also like how Sven listens to Alyssa that’s the best guy to have the one who listens; care and protect you... I can’t stand the ones that all for themselves they by far the worse kind of boyfriends and Alyssa realize that with Josh same as her mom with her husband (Alyssa dad)...Besides that I freaking love Sven name... ugh if I ever have a son that’ll be his name beside the name Zion... but Sven would be Sevyn in my way...
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