Sunday, June 30, 2019

Review: Fight Dirty

Fight Dirty Fight Dirty by Emily Goodwin
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Definitely fought dirty just to get the one he loves back

**Just a few spoilers threw around this review***

Oh, I've been waiting on this book to come out... and reading the summary that was sent out through email had me so curious. I was glad that Charlie found her way back to Owen... I understood why Owen kept thott’n & bopp'n because There was ONLY one girl for him, and that was Charlie... I was glad that she came around and realize that she still loves Owen the same way that he wanted her... & that he grownup and mature understood what he wanted now "a family"... & he knew he wanted it with Charlie... but what sucked was his banged half of the time... but at least he ONLY had eyes for Charlie. I also was glad he got the help from his sister Quinn to halfway push Charlie towards her brother. Because she clearly needed that push plus getting drunk and his family dinner also help her decide. It almost messed things up between her and Owen.

Because he bean-pie head ass ex-fiancé came, I had a feeling that he was coming down there and try to ruin things.. he had the nerve to try to manipulate and lie to her... just to get her back; he was so annoying; and was glad that her mom & her sister helped her realize what was the right thing to do.. & that Owen never left afterward... plus in the end she got what she always wanted a family -marriage and a baby....

Besides that, I still want a book about "Bobby" Archer brother to see if he get himself together. Heck, even the lady at the beginning of this book "Jolene" heck I felt like it's a reason behind that lady popping... Plus, I don't think Kara is right for Dean, I feel like she is the awkward one of the girls and doesn't fit well with them for some reason. I want Dean with somebody else, but I guess he can keep her sense, this is the last book to the Dawson series.

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Saturday, June 29, 2019

Review: Beach Town Bad Boy

Beach Town Bad Boy Beach Town Bad Boy by Maggie Dallen
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

It was good ...

****not that many but there’s kind of a spoiler or two.... more*****

This going to be a short review; so with that being said......./, I actually liked this book I enjoyed it I would’ve finished it last night technically I called it last night though it was close to 1-2ish in the morning but was to sleepy to finish... so I finished this in 1.5 days any way.... I was glad that Ellie came back for Deacon.. at least & I understood why he was upset that she left and never came back.... but at least, in the end, they found each other again...... she should’ve known that Deacon was the one.. instead of throwing Luke in his face... that can be hurtful for someone that likes you a lot... I guess she wanted to brush those feeling she had for Deacon by using Luke for a distraction ... like she said she wishes that they did something about their feelings a long time ago... but at least they did something with it now... plus they both found themselves... & Deacon gotten a job that he actually liked and more likely going to be in college with Ellie in Colorado I am guessing!!.. but I do wonder did she tell Blake about Deacon!!!! That I’ll never know...

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Friday, June 28, 2019

Review: Don't Fall for your Summer Fling

Don't Fall for your Summer Fling Don't Fall for your Summer Fling by Tammy Andresen
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Pretty good


What a waste; Josh was at least Alyssa came out with something good from her summer in Virginia Beach... I got excited when I saw well read this book & it stated that she was in Virginia my home state.... plus Virginia Beach is so fun... & it’s crazy how it has different sections on that beach......

Besides that Alyssa got out of that heartache with Josh, especially if he dated her former ex-best friend & then some other girl... never know he could’ve been a hoe all along. I can tell Josh was a little jealous seeing Alyssa dancing with Sven I’m like ehh don’t hate... she got the better boy with the sexy name... but at least in the end her mom got the house back; I think her dad was just petty....& it was good that Sven decided to stay in the United States & ended up going to Boston College; dating his American girlfriend.... I also like how Sven listens to Alyssa that’s the best guy to have the one who listens; care and protect you... I can’t stand the ones that all for themselves they by far the worse kind of boyfriends and Alyssa realize that with Josh same as her mom with her husband (Alyssa dad)...Besides that I freaking love Sven name... ugh if I ever have a son that’ll be his name beside the name Zion... but Sven would be Sevyn in my way...

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Review: Not Yet

Not Yet Not Yet by Alexa Riley
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Not yet; but soon

•••••••SPOILER ALERT 🚨 **********

Okay, I was curious about this book because I’m like brother and sister?.... I just got to read this book, though turns out they are step-siblings... it did felt weird though when he kept calling her his sister especially when they had sex already like at the ending he told her “Doesn't matter if I’m your brother or not, that pussy belongs to me. Say it.”.... plus those Barbie girls was wack I had to laugh at that Court girl that thought she could get Drake... but in the end looked like a fool... & ended up being a fraudulent and that way end up in jail with her boyfriend Eric (the one guy that tried to come at Ali; but Drake wasn’t having that)... but I was glad that Liam and Lindsey got together ended up married with a baby. Funny how the liners ended up happy with the football players and the ignorant cheerleaders that tried to bring Ali down didn’t get anything good ... but I kind of figured that their mom and dad already knew how they (Ali & Drake) felt about each other because their mom said about time 🤣 , but I mean I was surprised they didn’t say anything but they tried to be quieter with the bed and moan but come on now when your parents are down stairs, and you are upstairs they are bound to find out or hear something... I like how Drake & Ali didn’t give a crap either before they went to talk to their parents about wanting to be together. They ended up having sex before talking to them 🤣 , but in the end, everybody was happy at least, and they gotten married well college, marriage, and kids ...

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Review: Never Have I Ever Dated the Bad Boy

Never Have I Ever Dated the Bad Boy Never Have I Ever Dated the Bad Boy by Juliet Bardsley
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Never have I ever....

>>>It’s just a few spoilers in this review; not many... I don’t think 🤔 ****<<<

Well, this book was a short and fast read, which I kind of like though. I read this in one day.... it still was good; it sucked that Liam ost both his parents from the same thing... but at least Liam had Paige there to get him through everything. Plus, her father accepting him and realizing he’s not the bad boy that everybody (students and teachers) think he is.... plus explaining to her father about what happened freshman year was also a plus in his and Paige relationship...

If it wasn’t for Liam I swear Paige would’ve let her father control everything about her life... if she didn’t learn to put her foot down and go for what she actually wants.... a lot of times in books and even real-life kids have to go for what They want and stop trying to please their parents because you wouldn’t be happy if you don’t follow your dreams. Especially if you got controlling parents; sheesh but at least her father wasn’t that bad, and he understood his behavior after the concert... & apologize.. the Shelly chick wanted to see Paige, but the joke was on her because in the end she still ended up with Liam... I hope that Paige best friend (Michaela) end up with a book next that would be awesome.....

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Thursday, June 27, 2019

Review: I Hate You More

I Hate You More I Hate You More by Alexandra Moody
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The hate you give; that end up making me LOVE YOU

****•There are spoilers in this review; a lot or little less depends•*****

You can tell that Ally had so many doubts when it came to Chase... Especially when it came to her feelings for him and how he felt for her. I figured he had a thing for her even though what he did at the dance freshman year was a bust... though it was the right thing to do for Ally though I believe he should've given Ally an option to decide that decision with Declan... her doubts with Chase has the present intervening with the past which had proven to see him being so different... but things can change....I think he hated her ONLY because she hated him... & jumped to a conclusion before he could explain to her why he did what he did at the dance... Same when she accused him of the photo when she went to that club and dancing on the pole.. she accused him and came to a conclusion that he did it... she only found out that he didn't do it... because Declan and Chase got into it; by Chase demanding him to apologize... Declan wasn't even worth the air she breathes in senior year or freshman year if you look at it.... plus Chase parents are horrible especially his father sheesh no one wants a parent like that...

But oh.... when he (Chase) said: "I didn't have a choice, Ally, because if I didn't hate you, I would love you, and loving you would only break my heart." I knew that had to be the reason, and I knew he liked/loved her, but she was to blind to see through her hate for him... by getting mad about Declan who was the same person he was freshman year to senior year. I figure I was right too... but kind sad and thinking duh Ally when she stated: "I'd created an enemy out of a boy whose only fault was loving me, and my heart was breaking from his words." Sometimes you learn from your mistakes... but half the time I thought Tessa set Ally up with Chase so that feelings can start to show on Ally side since Chase already had feelings. No way; you think you not like someone; can't get rid of someone if you "hate them".. when you can you actually can't stand them; when you don't think you have feelings. No way I will be around someone or try rid them if I dislike them for bullying me down or hurting my feelings...they wouldn't be in the same home heck I wouldn't care what my daddy said... build me a treehouse I don't have time for living in a house with the enemy... in reality Chase was not Ally enemy he was her lover she just didn't know it yet.... but at least, in the end, he showed her that no matter what I'm coming for you "to make you my girl; because I always love you" and she finally stops running and agree to date him once she found out that her father knew about Chase loving her among other things. But besides that... UGH! I need a book with Ally twin brother Shane and her best friend, Tessa... I would like to see them together because she has a thing for him and he doesn't even know!!! But maybe he does!

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Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Review: Stronger

Stronger Stronger by Erica Marselas
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

They both Hunter & Brooke came out strong

**** There's a few Spoilers in this review:***

I've had been sad when reading a book; I've been upset, even shed a little tear here and there...I can't remember how many books I may have been said or shed a tear, but I'm just going to make it short and point out how this book had me sad, and I did get teary-eyed when they kidnap and beat her well more so Kara... I know that feeling of getting bullied by people who were popular and talk bad about how you look or the way you dressed... I think when you get bullied, it's for the once's you talk down on you to make you feel bad about yourself which can break you or even kill you... such as Hunter (wanting to kill himself) to Brooklyn (break the person who she was in elementary and half of elementary) ... it's like jealousy makes people bitter as heck and want you to feel bad about yourself because their life isn't perfect and people may not like them or want them. That is what Kara showed and it was bad when Emma and Dan follow her every move I felt like just as Hunter maybe they were afraid of her too; but when they'd realize how far Kara was going to take it they put their foot down, but in the end they still got charged for the crimes they did... but at least Dan gotten less charge since he didn't do much and even Emma but more so I felt like John and Kara deserve those years that they got but like Brooke said Kara was the one that needed to pull that time and get charged more than the others since she was the main one to beat Brooke down and abuse her... I had to laugh with them when Riley said Kara was going to end up being FAT and someone B***H in jail... I was like HECK YEAH I hope so...

I was glad. At the end that Brooke got that justice that she needed and what bad was Kara wanted to hurt Hunter too that lady so horrible that she would go to the extreme smh! That hate she had for Brooke was crazy.. but at least everyone was supportive of Brooke and glad she hell her head high and came back to school. & even won prom queen!!! Bet that I wish that those chapters weren't so dang LOOOOOONG!!!!

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Monday, June 24, 2019


My rating: 4 of 5 stars


*****Just a few spoilers***

I have to agree with her friend Lor because often people don’t change who they are after high school. & that girl Sasha hated Olivia for no reason; besides “Sasha” obsession with Adam... like sheesh.... she didn’t realize how Adam didn’t want her and went to lie about everything including the lies she spread about Olivia... & talked down on all of those people like that... but I wish that at least Olivia or her best friend could’ve said Ollie never hurt herself or anyone else like sheesh... Sasha went about lying to making Adam dad believing her too; I wanted to smack him so bad because he called Ollie a slut and was so blind that he didn’t realize that the relationship that Adam and Sasha weren’t even in a REAL relationship... I was glad when Adam told his dad and Saha how he felt and then told Olivia he loves her among other things. It took Sasha, dad, to be a REAL man more than Adam dad was & to top that off he was happy that Adam was going to be a father...

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Sunday, June 23, 2019

Review: The Perks of Waiting for You: Perks Book 4

The Perks of Waiting for You: Perks Book 4 The Perks of Waiting for You: Perks Book 4 by Stephanie Street
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Dang! JJ definitely waited for Quinn; she definitely was taking forever! & then finally ❤️

***I pointed out a few spoilers throughout this review******

I was glad this one was way shorter.... but was kind of irritated with Quinn when she kept playing around. Especially when she left and didn’t tell JJ anything then changed her number... I was like dang girl; you could’ve told that boy your family moved away. But we can still be friends even though; I will well we both will miss each other.

& for one thing; she shouldn’t have gotten with Tristin at all like I already knew he wasn’t the one... she literally wasted her senior year, freshman and half of her sophomore year on a piece of trash...that didn’t care about her or her feeling the way JJ did.... she was just too blind to see I just don’t understand how people get with ignorant people who control there every move; but bypass the good ones. You already know when your family doesn’t like that person; that person isn’t good for you at all. It’s like the same with one of my family members how no one in the family likes the guy she dates he is just a horrible person. But people stay with people often because they love them or think that’s the right relationship for them. That’s what Quinn did she wanted to saddle for something she thought was good for her but wasn’t.

I was glad when she got rid of Tristan once JJ told her to drive up there to she wack job pony boy who cheated on her with so many women & didn’t even care about seeing her was a trash bag he was... I was glad when she finally realizes she wanted JJ the way he wanted her since 8th grade - 15-year-old boy that fell in love with her at first sight.... she got on my nerve ignoring her feelings though I understood why she didn’t want the feelings though she got it due to the fact her family was in the army and what led to her feeling or trust etc.... but I did thought it was cute how they went back to the fair and he asked her to marry him and two weeks later had a country wedding at the “fairground”...

But I also was curious about his baby; which suck that the baby died such a sad feeling. It’s good that he had changed through everything that happened. I tell you he couldn’t have gotten where was at if it wasn’t for his best friend Conner.... because he had his back through everything.... plus I thought it was dope how throughout middle and high school they played football together... then college; afterward ended up drafted on the same team... that’s brotherly love ❤️ right there...

But at least in the end Jeremiah aka JJ got the girl of his dreams.... btw that I was so curious as to what JJ stands, for now, I know “Jeremiah Jasper” which I still say is a horrible name **cough*** his middle name not his first!!!!

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Saturday, June 22, 2019

Review: The Perks of Kissing You

The Perks of Kissing You The Perks of Kissing You by Stephanie Street
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I see the meaning of the perks of kissing Jamie

•••• I mention a lot of spoilers in this review***

It was so awesome and surprising that Bailey homecoming Queen when she wasn’t even on the bracket... Like that was the sweetest and coolest thing ever. I think that happened because everybody knew that she had tame the NCMO... I figured it also had to be a reason behind why Jamie set there a missed all of those random girls.... when he was one of the good guys... for one I figure it had to get hurt by Allie and surprising to find out about his dad too; which did suck.

It did suck that his mom kept crying and couldn’t get over it, which was very understanding. Plus I felt like it was a good thing that his mom had a talk with him after what happened with Bailey... I felt like he needed to understand and know... plus it was good that his mom accepted that he wanted to be free and do what he wanted and play football. Though; I can agree with her that football is scary. If I had kids, that is one sport I wouldn’t want my kid to play... it’s too dangerous in my opinion...

As I was reading this I said it didn’t take Conner to pound Jamie face in... it actually took his best friend Dallin to pound his face in for hurting Bailey which I can agree and say that Jamie did deserve that smackdown that Dallin gave with his fist.... plus at least Jamie realizes he loved and wanted to be with Bailey in the end, and wanted to take her to homecoming and make her his girlfriend. I love what he told those fangirls of his “Sorry, ladies; I’ve got a date with my girlfriend on the dancefloor.” I was like yasss boy James let those hussies know you got a girlfriend that you aren’t ashamed of finally admitting you want....... plus I like how he didn’t care how Bailey dressed or looked, he still wanted to kiss her..., I said now that love... some men and guys prefer their women to be perfect 24/7 in real life and half the books I’ve read... what trash they are/was....

Plus I figure that James aka Jamie and Bailey Aka Bales was going to get married at the end... both books before this one Allie and Conner gotten married plus Eden and Dylan now Jamie and Bailey... I already know in book 4 with JJ Coleman his going to marry Quinn I’m 9,000% sure. Plus; that’s the one book I REALLY wanted to read; where I didn’t want to go out of order reading this series since it has everyone in it... not sure about book four but I’ll see.... but dude I want a book with Dallin ASAP... I mean look at JJ he got a book why not Dallin too...

Btw; I am not sure I mentioned it, but I was happy that when they went to homecoming that Jamie and Bailey went to Jamie house so his mom could take their pictures that was cute and adorable. Plus his mom found her someone that can love her as her ex-husband did before he died... which I thought was cute finding that out at Jamie NFL draft pick... plus the advice Conner gave him was also good too.

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Friday, June 21, 2019

Review: Getting Down

Getting Down Getting Down by Helena Hunting
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

***Just a few spoilers; not much****

Okay! This what I wish

I wished that I read this book way before I’ve read “Hooking Up” ugh! I even want to re-read the book over which I may do I don’t know yet! But I did see they mentioned both Lincoln who is Armstrong brother in this book; let’s pray he way better than his horrible brother since I remember who that wack job is.... & also mentioned Griffin who I also believe is Bane and Lex brother... that’s going to be in the book “Making Up” let’s hope... Because Lincoln is in the book “Handle With Care” that I can’t wait to read, I am so curious, especially with Making up.

But anyway, back to this book! Gwen and her son Armstrong was so horrible, and I was so with Ruby that Amie and Lex was a better fit for each other! Plus that guy the panty eater guy was so weird, and I was surprised no one was around to see Lex stating that Amalie was his fiancée... Plus what I thought was hilarious when the panty eater guy scream he wanted his panties back 🤣🤣🤣🤣 priceless. Plus Lexington flashing his package was also funny since Amie surely needed someone better than Armstrong yuck...

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Thursday, June 20, 2019

Review: The Perks of Hating You

The Perks of Hating You The Perks of Hating You by Stephanie Street
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I see why it was perks of hating you; it was a way of saying I love you

****So many spoilers in this review; I had to point out a lot of things in this book****

Smh; I felt like she (Eden) should’ve listened to everybody “Dylan, Conner, those girls, and even Jesssilyn... but no she wanted to be grown and regretted what happened at that bone fire... she was very naive and wasn’t smart enough to see what was around her and what Marshall really wanted when everybody kept telling her to remove herself from here..... I see why she didn’t want to date people when it came to going to the football games etc. with her friend Allie in the first book with Allie & Conner.... but I felt like that shouldn’t stop her for going to football games! But I guess it reminded her too much of Marshall...

I know one thing a lot of times when you young, you do things that you will regret... I felt like Allie may have been naive with trying to understand if Conner liked her, but Eden was clearly naive and didn’t know what was in front of her face.... until it was too late... I did felt bad for her, but she should’ve seen that coming even when she clearly could see Marshall didn’t take her on dates or anything or claim her as his woman.... even Dylan was there for her, and I am like girl listen to your brother best friend he knows what he talking about even your bother .... I am waiting on the time when (well to see) If she will tell Allie what happened that night at the bone fire. Because Conner actually told her to be careful, I wish that she would’ve used her fighting moves on Marshall or something just to tell him to no... you can always push a male off of you when you don’t want it; heck knees him in the balls can help so much!!!

That what made me happy (Dylan) whipping Marshall *** for doing what he did to Eden... it’s understandable why he never told anyone what happened plus I was also glad that he realized he wanted to be with her once what happened to him when he left for the army thing in Washington... but the good thing was his bother wasn’t mad about him being in love with his (Josh) sister (Eden) because he knew that both Eden and Dylan was in love with each other. I figure he had to know something especially if Dylan was hanging around Eden 24/7.... but I felt like she didn’t care to date anyone even what happened after Marshall.... was because she was in love with Dylan and didn’t want anyone else.

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Review: The Perks of Dating You

The Perks of Dating You The Perks of Dating You by Stephanie Street
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This book was actually good!!!!

*** Let's see could be a spoiler or two maybe more let’s see how it goes once I write this review••••**

So okay; I don’t know how I ended up reading this book WRONG! What I mean is the description I thought they were in middle school smh 🤦🏽‍♀️ I was clearly excited to read this book because I said awe middle schoolers are falling in love... NOT 🤣 but other than that I realize once I re-read the description, it was high schoolers oh well!!!

So with that being said I liked Allie and Conner story, but yuck her name is Alberta I see why she doesn’t like that name it’s just “horrible”.... but other than that I thought they were cute together once they finally got together even if it was FAKE in the beginning... plus Conner parents were just horrible; I know no one wants parents like that especially ones that control your life yuck!!!! I was glad that at least he had Allie mom there for everything from taking care of him (feeding him, and taking photos of him as he was growing up; including homecoming) I already know she more likely added some prom pictures in there even though it didn’t mention prom...

But at least in the end he ended up going to STATE (but what STATE college he was talking about I have no freaking idea; I was like dude why the author didn’t mention the state they were in or something or even the college name) because I was clearly lost because of the school name, but at least she mentioned Harvard... but I still don’t know what school Conner and JJ ended up in smh!

Not only that I liked that Jamie did ask Allie out but felt bad for him because he ended up getting hurt and I clearly can tell that in his book (that I plan to read and can’t wait to read) is the girl (Allie) that he was clearly trying to get OVER! Since he was kissing so many females and the one girl was trying to help him yada yada... I clearly have to read book two ugh 😑 just to read book three in case I miss something if I go ahead of book two to three; so I’m a read it in order... but at least Jamie was there for her (Allie) plus Kayla was one horrible chick I wish Allie would’ve t-bone her *** (meaning kick 🦵 her ***) ... instead of ran out of the dance!!!!!

But I can’t wait to read about her friend Eden to see why she didn’t want to go to the games among other things and find out what happened with her......, but I hate that book is 30 some chapters ugh!!!! I hope 🤞 I don’t get tired close to the end when I do read book two ugh!!!!

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Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Review: Norah and The Nerd: Young Adult Sweet Romancw

Norah and The Nerd: Young Adult Sweet Romancw Norah and The Nerd: Young Adult Sweet Romancw by Anna Catherine Field
My rating: 4 of 5 stars


**** There are a few spoilers in this review****

I liked this book even though I was ready to finish it really quickly since it has 33 chapters plus ep·i·logue.... other than that it was a good book. I liked how they ended up together than the others in the last books. But they broke up well more so Norah broke up with Gabe...

I did like the fact that he didn’t care about the other girls who paid him attention once his body changed over the summer. He only had eyes for Norah, and Norah only had eyes for him; even though she did “use” Trevor... to get rid of Gabe, but that’s who she only thought about even when around Trevor...

I was glad that in the end, he wanted Norah there when he signed that paper to make his books into a movie... I liked that but was very surprised at the end when he asked her to marry him. I didn’t see that coming. Plus I got excited at the end when I saw

“Keep an eye out for Olivia and Ben’s story in Olivia and the Older Boy coming in 2019!”

I can’t wait for that book to come out this year. I’m so ready for that book!!!!!! I swear I thought that Olivia May end up with “Sidney” Gabe brother... but hopefully he will get a book; along with Delaney...

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Monday, June 17, 2019

Review: Falling For My Nemesis: A Sweet YA Romance

Falling For My Nemesis: A Sweet YA Romance Falling For My Nemesis: A Sweet YA Romance by Tia Souders
My rating: 5 of 5 stars


***•••There are a few spoilers not that many, but a few•••

Oh, I hope that “Falling For My Best Friend by Victorine E. Lieske” is the next book to this series. I don’t even want to read the short story because I know I want more...

But anyways I already knew this book was going to be good in the end because for one. These series have been good; it’s either a four-star ⭐️ or a five star ⭐️ when I end up reading a book from this series. I can’t wait for the next book. I heard it supposed to be 12 books to this series. I’ll wait and see.

Other than that I had a feeling that Carson actually liked Mia.... for one he showed her he liked her by being mean to her... but she liked at it as being BULLIED, and he didn’t like her. I don’t understand why a guy does that to get girl attention when they can actually tell the girl they like her... I guess Carson had to figure out a way to get Mia attention, but it sucked that he had to hit her in the eye with the ball. Heck, I know that feeling since I got hit in the head with one myself in middle school.

It also was funny when both Ethan and Mia stated that the kiss was horrible gosh that was hilarious... I said not “you kiss like my grandma” 🤣🤣🤣 hilarious.... but at least I’m the end he knew he didn’t want her & she didn’t want him... & also Carson stopped ignoring Mia and actually gotten into a REAL relationship with her instead Of beating around the bush ... & she got into Duke too. It’s also funny how Carson also wanted Duke to be his number one school... & that Ethan was happy for both of them regardless... he was just jealous of losing his best friend... I did want to slap her for ignoring him though. But at least they made up in that 5. seconds of talking & doing a kiss that both thoughts were gross.

Plus; I want a book about Ethan; hopefully, it’ll happen soon...

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Sunday, June 16, 2019

Review: Chasing Love

Chasing Love Chasing Love by Kayla Tirrell
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

It was a pretty good book.

***Not that many spoilers; but just a few***

So okay; I liked this book; I also knew that Neal was horrible when for one he didn’t bring back that DVD he borrow with Nicole account.... she was just so blind by how nice he was to her & how he “liked her” which wasn’t even true.... since he ONLY wanted to “do the nasty” with her ... I was glad that she didn’t give him to him... he didn’t even make her homecoming great for her; he made it horrible... I was glad that he got that KARMA with that mono or whatever it’s called. I can tell he didn’t get it from Victoria... which you can tell he was kissing someone else. Plus; I also knew that Victoria was jealous of Neal even though she did tell Nicole the truth about Neal...

In the end, Victoria wanted him; and they both deserve each other plus they both (Neal and Victoria) was horrible people especially not liking Nicole which she didn’t do anything for them not to like them... it’s no one fault of the coach liked or picked her over everyone else; plus everybody knew why “Chase” Victoria was just a hater.... but I was glad that Cassidy helped her out at the dance... & both Chase and Amy was there for her... plus I am trying to remember, but I do know that there’s no book about Amy which I think it should be one about her FINDING LOVE... a girl can only hope... but I was glad that Chase finally admitted to Nicole he actually liked her but was only scared.... but at least they both got what they wanted “each other” because Chase had a serious “tude” (attitude) problem 🤣 when it came to Nicole and pitiful pickle head Neal...

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Saturday, June 15, 2019

Review: Nine: The Tale of Kevin Clearwater

Nine: The Tale of Kevin Clearwater Nine: The Tale of Kevin Clearwater by T.M. Frazier
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

****Plenty or added spoilers in this review" ****

I have got this book early than the release date; since I have gotten an advanced copy... I will say this book was awesome!!!!!

When I did start this book; I was like Lenny? Hold on will Kevin aka Nine ends up with a guy.... then I read it a little further, and she (Lenore) states something about her being a girl...... I'm like ooooh okay because I'm waiting for hold on what happened to the girl who fell out the causeway or whatever they call that bridge..... & comes to find out her name was Lenore aka Lenny...

But in one chapter with her FAKE friend, she stated how she found out who Nine was then later down the line after they went to the zombie festival and he explains to her who he was "the guy she met; on the bridge"... that's how she found out it was him... that had me at a loss because he found out when she was evicted by seeing the photo of her with her parents..... in the end, I was glad that she forgave him and found out about Jared...

Especially when it came to the money taking and the house, car..... I never thought well no I kind of thought he could've been her best friend Yuli..... which in the end really sucked nobody that Lenny was around was her actual friends they all were FAKE and everybody that was in Nine camps was her REAL friends. I had to laugh at what Yuli said about Lenny meeting new people and don't forget about her "Yuli".... when I reality she was a horrible friend and didn't like Lenny at all since she was behind every scheme that was happening and everything that was going bad for Lenny...

At first, I thought that the guy Tocci or whatever his name is I don't care to remember since he not that important. Was going to kidnap Lenny because I am like this book is to good for her not to get kidnap but in the end, she did get abduction by her wack ex-best friend... I was glad and laughed when Yuli got thrown over the bridge by Nine... I said yup karmas a straight BITCH isn't it Yuli since you were behind everything when it came to Lenny and not Jared.... what crap pop...

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Friday, June 14, 2019

Review: Lucy and The Leading Man: Young Adult Sweet Romance

Lucy and The Leading Man: Young Adult Sweet Romance Lucy and The Leading Man: Young Adult Sweet Romance by Anna Catherine Field
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Pretty good book

**** Not that much of some spoilers but it’s a few***

Now I liked this one way better than the first book with Finley and Chase which taken me a while to finish it... Bea and the Bad Boy was just as good as this one. I believe this book deserves to be a five star because it caught my attention from beginning to end. I liked how Dean helped Lucy out and build her confidence back and how she also helped Dean too. But one thing I didn’t like was his manager agent or whatever she is to him... I was glad he got rid of her since she wanted to ruin things for him when it came to Lucy. Knowing how he felt about Lucy... I believe she may have changed the time for him to leave for New York so that he could miss handing out with Lucy. But in the end, she lost a good thing, which was Dean...

It’s crazy how Agent try to control people lives and ruin a good thing for him. A lot of times they need their clients to be happy, and that’s all that Dean wanted..... & Lucy made him happy. I was glad that she got a redemption a do-over for her mistakes for running off because of the hair thing plus among other things. I mean I couldn’t blame her for the hair way would I want to cut my hair either; but you have to realize when you are planning to become a model you have to do things that you often don’t want to do. I felt like she was OLDER then eighteen years old for some reason... I know that Chase was in college or whatever I am like is she 19 or 20 then? Because he felt like she aged some years since she turned eighteen and left her foster home and that modeling house... and started working at the Pizza place.

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Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Review: Four Doors Down

Four Doors Down Four Doors Down by Emma Doherty
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

It’s was actually pretty good book

*** There are spoilers but not too many***

Okay! I will say this Ryan was definitely horrible to Rebecca. I understood why she hated him so much! & wouldn’t give him the time of day.... the bad thing about it he’s friends didn’t really see the meaning behind why she HATED him! It was priceless how she didn’t give to F’s about him 🤣.... diss him for Charlie who by the way was full of shit and one horrible guy... but it was funny how she didn’t pay Ryan any mind or wanted to be around him... To the point he will be upset and get mad at her.... which wasn’t funny especially during dodgeball he was a complete idiot and mean.... especially with letting her get hit twice by Jessica just because she didn’t come to his game or the after party... idk what he expected of her when she told him a BILLION times that they weren’t friends & she was friends with Jake ONLY!!!!

Which clearly made him upset... Becca was the ONLY one not to understand why Ryan was so cruel to her... but I felt like he could’ve done it differently... but clearly he couldn’t because she literally ignored him and acted like he didn’t exist... which led them both arguing with one another. You could clearly see he liked her by how he acted when Charlie was around.... which left him to do stupid things that upset Becca. Like what happened in the cafeteria... I wanted to slap him myself...

But I was glad in the end that Rebecca got over Charlie when they broke up because for one I knew he was cheating on her... well more so didn’t know that she was the other girl... but I already knew it had to be another girl in the picture to make him ignore Becca so much... but she was so much of a FOOL that he clearly controlled her got what he always wanted from her which is SEX & then does things around the other guys to prove his point of him being with her.... she was just to blind to see & I was glad when she found out his true self. & also finally realize that her little cousin Jay needed her too...

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Monday, June 10, 2019

Review: Never Have I Ever Kissed My Brother's Best Friend

Never Have I Ever Kissed My Brother's Best Friend Never Have I Ever Kissed My Brother's Best Friend by Juliet Bardsley
My rating: 4 of 5 stars


***Only. A few spoilers; not many*****

I had started this book a while back, but somehow I ended up bored.... then stop reading it.... but what I am glad for is that I actually went back and continue reading this book because it’s actually a good book. I was glad well more so her (Kenzie) best friend Veda actually told Gavin that Kenzie liked him.... but I was still glad that they got around to actually telling each other how they felt about one another. I believe that it’s good actually to admit to someone about your feelings. But also it’s a scary thing too; because for one, that person can tell you they don’t like you back..... it’s a good thing they both wanted each other...

That Claire girl was horrible; I thought she was JEALOUS of Kenzie was Kenzie got something she wanted which is Gavin.... but it’s interesting to know that Gavin kept being around Claire when he didn’t even want her he could’ve told his best friend Cory he didn’t want to be around Claire.... but I am also glad that Cory found out about Kenzie and Gavin... because it was long overdue plus it’s good that he also accepted them being together...

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Sunday, June 9, 2019

Review: The Perfect Match

The Perfect Match The Perfect Match by Melody Summers
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

It was a pretty good book glad I didn’t want to slap somebody

🤭••• here go the spoilers again; so beware••🤫



I liked Dylan in this one & the last one I believe I mentioned before in the third book. But anyways; I was glad to learn that Dylan apologizes to Molly from what he said to her because he was horrible; plus it’s interesting to learn the reason behind why he was so mean to everybody especially Molly.... with his being in the motorcycle accident! But the good thing is that he didn’t die; only gotten hurt. I don’t motorcycles 🏍 <<<< I like the motorcycle that’s you don’t have to lean when you go around a curve... the ones the older men drive... but besides that, I was rooting for Dylan and Allison to get together, but she was getting on my last nerve.

Because she kept trying to match him up with other girls who weren’t right for him! When she was his perfect match! They both wanted each other but was too afraid of getting hurt again!!!! I understood both their reasons; but I was like dang, date already... I felt bad for her a couple of times, but she put it on herself.... but at least Dylan came around in the end once Allison wrote him that later and gotten him those tickets... I didn’t even know he was dating Kylie or whatever her name was “since it’s not essential *** he drops her like a hot potato after getting that letter from Allison; but he was rude though for not coming to her right then but at least after his presentation of that book he finally realize he wanted her as much as she wanted him & got tired of fighting it & ended up together happy!!!

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Saturday, June 8, 2019

Review: Just Friends

Just Friends Just Friends by Melody Summers
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Just friends can turn back to lovers or to lovers 🤷🏽‍♀️

•••****Not too many; not too much; just a little bit of spoilers*****•••

Okay hmm, 🤔 this one was good; I really didn’t care for it....that much, but I did enjoy it, and it only took me a day in half... 🤔 to finish this book. I was kind of sad that well, not really. I was more so like dang when Dannika broke Dylan's heart; I still didn’t think that it was right for her to use Dylan so that she could see can she get rid of her feelings for Ashton; but it didn’t work that way for her. It made her want Ashton more & tbh compare Dylan to Ashton.... she was still hooked on Ashton; to where she couldn’t even get feelings for Dylan even though she liked him sort of...

But this is where Dylan also messed up at..... when he knew “he already knew” that Dannika was still hung up on Ashton; he should’ve gone toward Dannika too she If he could get with her and get her mind off of Ashton... he ended up getting his own heart broken. But to me, it’s like he goes after the guys he hangs with ex-girlfriends or girlfriends who they hurt for like a day or two. That’s what I don’t like about him. Even though; I want him to find love; I didn’t dislike him in this book as I did the last one because was just horrible with Molly... but glad he was way more respectful in this one...

Plus; Ashton parents were just horrible I can’t stand the rich people who don’t want their child or themselves to hang around or be with people who they think are beneath them and or don’t have money like them... to even turn their nose down towards someone who isn’t high class... like ugh; it was annoying when Ashton walked away from Dannika after his date when his parents caught them together I wanted to smack him six feet under.... but in the end I was glad he had to tell his parents how he felt about Dannika & he didn’t give two flying ducks 🦆 about what his parents had to say..... that is what I was glad for & now I’m ready for Allison she needs her man now ***cough, ***cough*** come on Dylan let it be you Dannika not going to be mad!!!!!!!

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Friday, June 7, 2019

Review: Not Exactly Lying

Not Exactly Lying Not Exactly Lying by Melody Summers
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Definitely wasn’t lying

****Just a couple spoilers throughout****

Okay; I did like this, and I hated the fact that Dylan was horrible to Molly.... at least with Ashton; he begins to be nice to her and not talk about her at all... I don’t know what Dylan problem was; could be the girls he choosing that make him just a horrible person. But I was glad that Quinn kept taking up for her, even Walker did too because that was his friends. Not only that he wasn’t mad or she wasn’t mad that Quinn knew who she was “Valkyrie” or she found out he knew already when she kept shooting Dylan... God; that was hilarious 🤣🤣 when she kept killing him every time he definitely deserves being shot at during their game sessions because he was just horrible and a bully...

But at least EVERYONE “the gamers” didn’t get mad at the end when they found out about Molly being “Valkyrie” Dylan snitching didn’t work this time when it came to Quinn, Ashton, Trent, Jason and even Daniel... they already knew she was awesome and can lead a time; funny how Dylan wasn’t playing at that time what a loser. I can’t wait to see him change either when I read that 3 & 4 book he’s in especially book 4... But I wonder why Walker never played with any of them when he was friends with everybody...

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Thursday, June 6, 2019

Review: A Little Bit Haunted

A Little Bit Haunted A Little Bit Haunted by Melody Summers
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

It was good

****Theres spoilers; here & there*****

I thought this book was good; it has me wanting to read the next book for sure. But what I did like was how Delaney changed everything for Walker; often it can be that one guy or that one girl that can change the person that everyone knows. She (Delaney) did that for Walker by ending up being the ONE girl he knew he changed his whoring ways for and be the boyfriend she needs & being the girlfriend he always needed. It’s funny how they ended up making one other JEALOUS 🤣 like dang they could’ve walked up to each other and just kissed but NO Laney started talking to her first kiss/boyfriend while also watching Walker whereas Walker end up using London by getting her to rub sunscreen on him ... they both were wrong & was glad that in the end, he was the one to chase Laney since girls always chasing him (Walker). & they finally ended up together; even Delaney mama wanted her to get to the next door neighbor & stop stalking him lol... but crazy how her family never found out that she was sneaking out of the house to see Walker.

But before I end this review; Walker name is just horrible like “Walker Dean” like his name is backward he has the last name for a first name & the first name for the last name... I mean he’s name could’ve been Dean that would’ve 100% better. aka “Dean Walker” I’m just saying 🤷🏽‍♀️

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Review: Finley and the Foster Brother: Young Adult Sweet Romance

Finley and the Foster Brother: Young Adult Sweet Romance Finley and the Foster Brother: Young Adult Sweet Romance by Anna Catherine Field
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

It was good

****Not so many spoilers; but there’s a few in this review*****

So this book was good in the beginning then after a while, I got bored, and stop reading it... But in the end I wanted to finish it & see what happens next; & that I did...

For one I was glad that Finley finally wanted to go back into playing basketball again. & that her mom gotten better once the medication kicked in; & finally got to go home to her daughter. It’s a lot you go through as a foster kid, you have to take care yourself when time is rough; & often thinks no one LOVES or CARES about you at all because you never got that.... but I like how Finley finally realize that Chase and even Mrs. Beverly loved her (Finley) & opened her home to her (Finley) not only that but to her mother too, she could’ve said no even when it was Chase suggestion...

But I was glad that Mrs. Beverly didn’t have a problem with it (Finley & Chase being together); though I think that newsletter got out due to Veronica, I still think she had something to do with that picture you never know. Because she wanted Chase so bad & he didn’t even want her even before Finley came to live with him as his foster sister. I don’t understand how females come off as desperate when it comes to a guy & throw themselves at that guy who doesn’t even want them. I was wishing Veronica would’ve let the bitter hate she had for Finley go... plus I was also glad that Finley had her basketball friends & more so Lucy... but I realize who Lucy was 🤣 she the actual girl in the next book... which I am glad I didn’t even read before I read this book; that would’ve suck.... but I was glad she was there for Finley when she ran from Chase; but also glad that in the end Chase and Finley got to be together 🖤

Btw: I can’t wait to read Lucy story because I was saying that I want a story with Lucy not realizing she is the Lucy from the second book to this series🤣

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Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Review: Lily and the Wedding Date Mistake

Lily and the Wedding Date Mistake Lily and the Wedding Date Mistake by Seven Steps
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

It was good; though the mistake at the wedding was mistaking the twin for the other....

****I Given & pointed out well more so; written a few spoilers in this review’*******

All I know is Lily was sort of annoying and whiny and cry and run away when things got tough! She got on my last nerve half the time. Though I understood where she was coming from with the insecurities and stuff, often teenagers even adult go through a situation where they have a hard time with loving themselves and being comfortable in the skin they are in. & or just accepting that you are different from other women or females. I was glad towards the end of the book; Lily FINALLY understood she wasn’t ugly and was beautiful... my self couldn’t understand what her problem was, especially when she was identical to her sister. Like um, hello, same face. How in the world can you not think you are as beautiful as you identical twin sister. Even Beckett (hate this name) even was confused about them at Lily cousin wedding, this one thing I like to address was FINALLY she told him about that wedding & with him giving his number to her sister. I said that could’ve been finally talked about rather than later down the line in this book. But at least they came to an agreement but even through all that they still fought over petty things. Due to both being JEALOUS... but one thing I never understood why she sister tried to push Lucas (or whatever that boy name was) on Lily when both Lily and Beckett like each other. & for one thing I already KNEW that Becks and Kim didn’t kiss..... Lily was just a fool, smh 🤦🏽‍♀️ like idiot girl closed her eyes and didn’t even see the kiss smh! I was like I bet he didn’t even kiss her & threw it was he didn’t “Kim” kiss him on the cheek! But at least they (Lily & Beckett) finally admitted they liked each other and started dating at the end of Kat (festival carnival thingy)...

For one about that Carnival I think that Sherri has something to do with that Gym (the school) pipes getting busted.... plus in the end, Calla parents (well mom) didn’t have to go into foreclosure with was a plus; because they had the Carnival for Kat at Call mom bakery or whatever eating area it was which was a good thing. If her parents place her mom place was belt like a castle and what not & was better than the other place.... what in the world was those people in that town thinking... for one if I seen a castle-like building where you can eat at I’m definitely going in to actually see how It is... even if I didn’t or don’t buy anything! But in the end, I was that Kat waked up from her coma, I believe often it depends on the person and how much strength they have to wake up... because of one... Becky grandpa was in a coma ... he dies whereas Kat didn’t it’s a different even it’s time for that person to go( even if the story is fiction).

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Monday, June 3, 2019

Review: Business & Pleasure

Business & Pleasure Business & Pleasure by Alexis Winter
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Business always mixed up with pleasure..

****Not sure but possibly a lot of spoilers or a few•••

So at first I was I’m going to read this book, then I got kind of bored because as I was reading it I got sleepy and the book didn’t feel like it was going to be good! So I finally finish it; though halfway towards the end, I began to get sleepy and bored again... but at least I can say that I did enjoy this book and its storyline! & that Vincent got the girl he wanted and needed (Alison) though I started this and went ahead of myself and read the book about Alison sister Janelle & Griffin... should’ve read this one first but what’s the point.

When I read the book about Janelle best friend Samantha 🤣 but other than that...Alison knew that she wanted her some Vincent she was in denial the whole time while working for him as his interior designer for his hotels... I was glad that in the end, she gave in to her desires. Plus I figure that when they went to Ireland, and Vincent was in the water he was about to get hurt & that’s what happened. But gladly he survive, and Alison was right there with him through everything (him being in the hospital) & both finally admitting they love one another...

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Sunday, June 2, 2019

Review: Chemistry of a Kiss: A Sweet YA Romance

Chemistry of a Kiss: A Sweet YA Romance Chemistry of a Kiss: A Sweet YA Romance by Kimberly Krey
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This was. Actually a good book; definitely was chemistry in their kiss 💋💜💛

Okay !!!!

* As always there will be a few or a lot of spoilers in my review; so I like to prepare or beware, people before they actually read my review.

So with that being said... I like this book; I was kind of mad at Jett (by the way I have read three books so far with this name) it is torture lol! But like I said I was mad at him because I thought he was actually blowing Harper off for wack girl Tasha. But Tasha lame mean girl self; ruin things for Harper and even Jett! Now I see why Conner was telling Harper that Jett thinks she’s mad at him... but at least he could’ve had the dignity to come to her that same day... pickle face Tasha had asked him to the dance; or even told her no; because I want to go with my “girlfriend” Harper. But he didn’t. But got mad when TJ was feeling all on Harper behind! Like he was literally mad... though none of that would’ve happened if Tasha didn’t steal Harper poster she made...

Clearly, she (Tasha) wanted everything that Harper had... such as TJ then Jett... like she couldn’t even get a guy unless Harper already had him. I did think that TJ was a horrible boyfriend for Harper, even her mother knew and told her don’t go down the land that I went with your father. That she didn’t; a lot of times you can’t help someone who doesn’t want the help that you are trying to give to them. I was glad when Harper realizes she couldn’t help TJ... Plus, I kind of figure that Jett sorta liked Harper on the DL..... especially when it came to Junior high during spend the bottle... but Jett ruin that for himself since he told everybody that Harper had a crush on him when he knew darn well that he had one on her too; & wanted that kiss as much as Harper during Junior high! Not only during junior high but way before they caught Tasha & TJ together when Tasha has kissed him (TJ) at Burger Bar. He definitely wanted to kiss her at his house before his father walked into the house, and definitely didn’t want her to leave his house either.

But in the end, I’m glad they worked everything out with one another after the dance; when Jett punched the pickle juice out of TJ... for touching Harper; Jett definitely wasn’t having that...😂 Harper was his woman 💜.... he was mad too when TJ stated he and Harper was trying to make their ex’s jealous (Tasha & Jett) he couldn’t believe that she thought they were broken up... but the way he acted and went to the dance with Tasha you can only assume, but in the end they were happy and turned out to be a real boyfriend & girlfriend....

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Review: When We Began

When We Began When We Began by Judy Corry
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

**** it's a few that many spoilers in this review***

I didn’t even realize that it was a book way before the others. I clearly would’ve heard about well I think I did heard about Cassie wait for no; I believe it been Jess yes, I that other book with his friend. I think but not only that Emerson and his sister best friend way before their book came out.

At first, I thought I wasn’t going to finish this book at all. But I realize I need to stop reading certain books when I am half asleep and really tired because I began not to like the book. But in reality, I liked this book! & was glad that Cassie (who got my name by the way) well more so sort of nickname) though; I bet her real name is Cassandra... I lost track so back to what I was saying I was glad that Cassie & Liam were gotten together in the end. & glad he finally admitted he had feelings for her, but she never admitted to him that it was the same for her! But maybe he knew in the end!

Btw, I’m trying to think was there a book with Luke in it... I believe so but I’m not sure since I’ve read this series a while back and completely forgot, but I do remember Noah, Emerson & Juliette... & Jess best friend! Then boom I realize Luke ended up with Ashlyn 😌 I knew one of the guys ended up with her lol!

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Saturday, June 1, 2019

Review: Baby Mistake

Baby Mistake Baby Mistake by Alexis Winter
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Baby was no mistake of course

•••can’t say it's few spoilers but I’ve written information from the book; so there’s a possibility!!! ****

So okay this book wasn’t as good as Fake It... but it was better than the book with her sister; not sure if I will finish that one idk. Depends; but as I was saying. This book is actually good! I was glad that Griffin found someone that can love him and appreciate him the way that Janelle has... it’s interesting to see that it didn’t pop her best friend up in the end or did it when it was written about her best friend...

But in the end; the best part of this book is Griffin and Janelle son 😂😂😂 when Janelle was talking to her sister and stated that “Once, he overheard Griffin and me talking about building a pool house out back. Griffin wasn’t interested, which is why we still don’t have one, so I thought I’d try bargaining. I told him I’d give him blowjobs every day for a year. Still, to this day, if the wind blows Quinton’s hair out of place, he yells, ‘Stop with the blowjobs!’”

& the other part about when she said, “Oh, God, you know I’ll never get Vincent out of that thing, right?” I laugh. “Yeah, I have the same problem with Griffin at times. I usually have to lure him out with sexual favors.” “What’s sectool flavors?” Quinton asks, coming into the kitchen. (Which she stated about getting Griffin out of the treehouse)

Then he ended up repeating it 😂😂 when Allison said: “If I could get this one to take some time off from work, we’d be here every weekend.” She motions toward Vince. Quinton tugs on Alison’s shirt. “If you want him to not work, you should just trade him sectool flavors!” That’s the only time I really laugh with this book!

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Review: Hot Roommate Blues

Hot Roommate Blues by Parker Avrile My rating: 4 of 5 stars ***Spoilers here and there*** I’m a start of...