My rating: 4 of 5 stars
***•• Spoilers throughout this review; there’s a possibility**•••***
I don’t know, but I don’t understand how it’s always books about women who're big boned (fat as people say). And people still calling them names such as fat; can’t get anyone etc.! But never books about women who are skinny, when I believe that no matter if you are fat or skinny; we all go through something when it comes to the size of your body! Like skinny women get talked down because they are skinny and people say they don’t eat >> but there are no books that mention anything about that! But always something about bigger women.
But, I can’t wait to read “Ireland” and see how Caleb feels about her and her shape. Because regardless if she was skinny or fat (as she says) a man who wants you wouldn’t care if you a fat ass HELL or skinny ass HELL.
Omg; 😂😂😂 I’m so dumb I didn’t realize when I read the description of this book; it was two men and Ireland. I thought it was only Caleb, not Ben and Caleb. Take the front door in the ass😂💀... I can’t wait to see what is in store for these three or is it two... let’s see where this review takes you and me 😀🤫
I understood things that Ireland felt especially when Ben push her away during the Tornado. Which sucks was they both said they wanted her and had her thinking she was finally going to be loved. I believe that Caleb wouldn’t have told her to go, but he listens to Ben and Ben seems like he actually in control of everything. Bad enough I understand where Ben was coming from because being in the army can do things to a person. I see why he pushed her away too.
What I do like is they (Caleb and Ben) doesn’t play when it comes to Ireland; I went flatline when Ben said he wanted to “I want to wring him (Larry Parry) like a towel and hang him up to dry.” 😂 yasss that was so mean what he said about Ireland like sheesh she already was insecure about her weight etc., but his tatter head ass wanted to do damage.
But one thing is Ireland gets on my nerves because she is so whiny about her weight! Like sheesh; everyone gets talked about when it comes to their looks and weight! People hate all the time; that's all she whines about in the book my weight I’m big look at my meat hanging my thighs ughhhh! Like girl SHUT IT! Like she realizes that both Ben and Caleb loves her sizes and protects her from lames who hate on her size. They love her she ’s this but still, let dumb folks get in her head. I think that she has to learn to love herself for Caleb and Ben to love her too though they love her anyway. But she needs to love to control her feelings when it comes to her weight, and it’s chapter freaking seventeen and she still going crazy over being fat... it isn't that serious tbh! It’s like when your skinny and you get called out for being skinny, or you don’t eat. It’s the same as when you are fat and gets called out for being, or you overeat. The only time I wanted to smack Ireland was when she kept talking and complaining about her weight!
It’s bad enough that those evil, ignorant people sit there and call her names and saying Caleb and Ben don’t want her or what they were doing with her. & she’s a whore; It’s crazy how people will talk down on you by the clothing you wear or how you look and by the size of your body. I bet 9/10 that girl probably wasn’t 300-500 pounds more so in the 200 to me that’s big, but it’s not that big... I know a lot of smaller women who aren’t skinny but have fat in current areas. I hope by the end Elipgue she learns to love herself. Because it’s sucks that everyone got her thinking that no one wants her because of her body. That makes me so annoyed like really... you can be love no matter your body size. But I do agree certain clothing big women shouldn’t wear, but they do; if they think they are beautiful to hell what anyone thinks. I’m skinny wouldn’t be caught dead in a bathing suit.. real facts though this is fiction. What Ireland is going through is still facts that people (women) goes through.
I did like how Mackenna came to talk to Ireland; I think that’s what she needed another big bonded woman to go and have women to women speak with her and explain what fat means “a word” ...
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