My rating: 5 of 5 stars
***I may mention a lot of spoilers throughout this review; for each of the books****
•••Theirs to Protect***
Okay I’m going to say this; man this book is good it’s so different from the other apocalypse books it’s like a love thing! & the thing I hated was Audrey her as got on my last nerves because she keeps thinking that she was in a bad place. But she wasn’t it was only Camila clan: and their people that were evil ass men.... she kept trying to run away; both her and Nix I wanted to smack but glad in the end that she finally realizes her ass wanted to stay right there with her husband... I did have to laugh at her dumb self when she went to no-man-land I knew it was a bad idea smh. God that girl was dumb, I knew she should’ve told Nix and her other four husbands about Camila wack abusive husbands. But no she wanted to run and got trap my Travis men who wanted to take her in the first place when they shot her brother Charlie for dead. Though I realize he didn’t die since the second book he’s in it... which I am happy about... I hope that they end up seeing each other because she was so disappointed about what happened to her brother and I was too. I also want to know what will happen to Camila husbands; I hope they end up dead or back to Travis gang of EVIL men like The Who’s that that hurt Nix sixteen-year-olds sister.
***Theirs to Pleasure***
So as I am reading the description of the second book. It states that someone is a spy and an enemy. I first thought was it was “Henry” and look at that I was right. In a lot of things, I am right about some I am not. In this case, I was.....I also knew that it was crazy how Shay told Henry instead of Charlie... like really girl, you trusted Henry over Charlie who’ve been locked away in the same place she been at since she was 18 or was it 19 anyways. I was like really. Then turn out she was a freaking spy too, trying to target Audrey and her clan along with Sophia and her dad! In the end, I was glad she actually told them what happened though, Henry ass lied and set them up to get killed by Travis... I was glad Henry died; I knew something was fishy about him I just couldn’t put my finger on it. It’s a good thing that Sophia dodge that bullet when it came too him. & in the end, Shay saved her kids with the help of her three men’s “Charlie, Rage, and Jonas, but especially Charlie, God he walked through fire to save her and he ended up with second and third-degree burns on his body. I kept thinking to myself “He walking through that fire, like JESUS” but in the end, I was glad that he saved her not only her but her kids Nicky and Mattie. Charlie May have been laidback or whatever but man he was so brave... though Jonas let Travis get away; at least he saved Rafe from dying... what got me was Henry really though Shay was going to run to him and save her I would’ve let him get shot and die too not only that BURN THE HELL UP “like Usher said “even though this might bruise you, Let it burn” but poor Charlie what a brave man. If only Jonas would’ve shot Travis or at least one of his men. But oh well hopefully he dies soon in either book three with Vanessa or book four with Drea. I’m tired of that man already.
•••••Their Bride******
Okay, I’m going to be short with this one. Since I don’t have much to say. I will say that it was a bit different from book one and two. It was crazy how Vanessa she ended up with five guys that didn’t even put their name in the box except for Camden. The other four didn’t want that to happen at all. Well, Michael, he didn’t even put his name in the box he just got a box in lol when Riordan stole the box. When I was reading book #2 I was wondering who stolen that box but the thing is in book 2 it only mentioned that Vanessa ended up with ONLY the twins. But in this book, she ended up with all five men. I was glad that they killed that man Jake that tried to hurt Vanessa again I am waiting on Travis to die already that man is so annoying and when he dies I want to know what his army of soldiers going to be doing. But since everyone is in the new area “cavern” or whatever I wonder where Commander at and his daughter are they still in Jake Well’s that’s what I can’t wait to find out in book 4.. with him and Drea, since I don’t think everyone left that place with the homes. Oh btw I was glad Logan got closure with his ex before she died; though the whole time she was in that cavern and dying thinking that Logan was dead and he was at Jake Wells thinking she was dead too.
•••**+Theirs To Defy+**•••
This book was good; I’m just going to be really short with this review. Because I was over it; couldn’t wait to finish. But I will say this Drea; is one strong ass female she deserves to be president but UGH! No one has killed Travis yet! Like Gah, Suicide died the guy Shay ran from died... why hasn’t Travis died yet ugh! I hope he finally dies in the book with Eric daughter Sophia because no way that man can be still alive. He wasn’t a true friend to Sophia dad at all.... just pure evil even though he did save Eric and his daughter... but it’s crazy that Eric didn’t see Arnie as he called him an EVIL man when they were in the army. But in the end I am glad; that Drea saved the women from Suicide but in reality are the women saved from Arnie though?... I think not; I still think he has the women trapped while selling them off... I only liked Garrett and Billy... but you look at it she more than so had sex with MOSTLY “Eric; Jonathan and David” barely with Garrett at all, Billy did get in sometimes...
•••***Theirs to Ransom*****••
I’m going to point this out before I get into this review. This book has all five books in it. Not just four... I am wondering why the author didn’t update the description of the book because it’s 5 not 4 stories in this book. WEIRD when an author never updates anything and let the readers know beforehand so they can get the storyline (description of the book)...
Whoosh finally I am finished with this whole collection. Gah, my head was pounding so much. This why I hardly read the box set... Sometimes it’s just too much.
But anyways, I liked this one way better than the one with Drea...
One thing I will say is that Sophia gosh she was so dang stupid to trust Jagger; like I already knew Toby was full of shit... and something was up with Jagger but couldn’t pinpoint what...I was glad that Toby had died in the end. I also knew that Sophia marriage was FAKE as fuck because there wasn’t an actual marriage at all. I wish that Sophia had sex with Finn first and lost her virginity to him. But she gave it to both anus and coochie to Jagger first. But at least it was Finn first time when they had sex on their fake wedding night. & in the end, Sophia finally got the wedding she wanted and everyone was back in Jake Wells or was it, Jacob Wells? Whatever. I’m just glad that freaking dusty dumb Travis DEAD as FUCK by the hands of Sophia and her dad Eric... Yassss...
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