My rating: 5 of 5 stars
It was pretty good read can’t complain...
***Spoilers here and there **
Im going to say this Trisha parents were some of the most horrible people. It’s crazy because there’s actually people like that in the real world. This why their children Rebel and act out. Then their parents hoop and holler about how they are acting bad and banding them from certain things. That is what Trisha parents did with her.
I was glad that her best friend Jackie mad Trisha have fun and then she (Trish) began to hang out with Alistair because she needed that break away from school.
I wanted to slap her parents a few times. When they put her out of the house. I felt like she should’ve told them off and said fine you don’t have to be in my children lives since you think I’m a bad individual because I choose to have a relationship and a life.
They felt like a fool too when all said and done. Because they came crawling back in Trisha life after Alistair dad Arthur had a few words with them. Her parents knew they were wrong for treating their daughter the way they did.
I was glad that they knew they was wrong. Gave their son Jonathan a chance to meet his niece and nephews. As for Trisha sister Katrina that chick was just horrible I was glad that she lost everything well more so that relationship with that gay Gareth with the horrible name.
You look at it I felt like Katrina was a bit jealous of Trisha that’s why she hated her so much and the way that Katrina Rebel and acted out. It mad it bad for Trisha the parents made her suffered for all the things that Katrina did.
But In the end Trisha got out of that situation and found a happy place and even finished high school and going College... which her parents thought she ruin at least they came around from being idiots...
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