My rating: 4 of 5 stars
***Spoilers...thrown here and there***
So okay; I didn’t know that this book was coming out until I look on the authors goodreads or somewhere. I forgot; I was glad that I got a chance to read it. But I will say this, Indie was a bit dramatic about the she had with Lincoln.,
Most of the time if not half of the time I felt bad for him. Because I felt like she was using him in so many ways. That it ended up hurting him. He was dealing with it and putting up with it because he had deep feelings for her. And she only wanted to be his friend when he wanted more with her.
It took four plus years for Indie to realize and get the stick out her butt to say to Lincoln that she loved and cared about him. She wanted to be more than best friends with him.
What got me was when she kept mentioning that it’s what both of them wanted “friends with benefits” when in reality it was HER who wanted it. More than Linc, but I felt like she should’ve spoken up more about his feelings and there her how he really felt especially about what he wanted with her.
Then to get pregnant and married to some wacko that wasn’t Linc, was the top of it all. I did felt bad for her though when it came to that situation with Anthony. But she ended up almost married to a guy she didn’t love just because she was pregnant when that could’ve been her and Linc, I was glad that she finally got herself together.
Because towards Lincoln leaving for draft she ended up being sooo freaking whinny and annoying that I was so over the book and wanted to end already but it never did. I just hope if and when Lincoln friends get a book that there girls doesn’t end up annoying.
But I am sooo ready for “Hartley and Asher book along with Scarlett and Hutton. Because I am so curious about them. Especially Hutton and Scarlett and Asher especially with how he was acting after the yellow sundress girl
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