My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Good book I wasn’t bored at all while reading this
**Spoilers. Splash throughout this review**
I understand what Piper did; but I figured that her plan wasn’t going to work out as she planned and that someone was going to ruin whatever her and Carter had. Not only that I knew that Claire and John had a thing for each other. They just gave me them vibes of an messed up friend and ex boyfriend.
I can say Piper a good one for forgiving them both. Because I don’t think I could’ve done such a thing! Smh! All I know is I was glad that she and Carter finally admitted to their feelings because they were dragging it far to long. I was over the denial. Even their friends (Blythe, Nash and Jordan) knew that both of them liked each other. They especially Carter was more in denial than Piper was to me..
It took Jordan to push them towards each other for them to actually together. But took someone like John to ruin things for them. Claire wasn’t a good friend either for telling John the plan that Piper had going on. She had to be so on like or love with John to snitch on her own friend.
I felt like she wasn’t a good friend anyways. Because she bailed on them so many times. Just to be with John. I don’t care how much you liked your best friend ex man you at least have to talk to them. Because friendship could get ruin like that. I couldnt understand how Piper couldn’t see what was going on I already knew what was happening when Claire had walked out of the cafeteria and John looked her away with sad eyes. Piper saw that but still didn’t figure it out. Because she was to focused on her plan to ruin John. It didn’t even ruin him at all. But I think she did them both a favor. Because in the end they both got a deal at the popular table. Both hung out with Jordan, Nash and Carter. She ended up dating Carter, and John and Carter became friends.
I mean I never seen nothing like it, just crazy. But I will say this I want a story (book) with Jordan and Blythe because I really want to know what Is going on with them two. I am so curious; because I could tell something happened between those two.
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