My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Really good book. I can tell this series will be that of football players and ballerinas
Spoilers... splash throughout
This book was good. Didn’t take me long to finish. One thing I’m trying to figure out what to say about this book lol. Some how I can’t think of anything for some reason. Though, I am always writing a review, for my blog!
But anyway, I would like to point out that Collette was kind of whiny and complain a lot about everything. Especially, when it came her dancing. Everybody saw how great she was except herself. I was kind of glad Bianca even told her about herself. Even when Bianca was mean at some point. You can tell that Collette dealt with body shame from everybody. And she had that stuck in her head so much she couldn’t see it until Ethan came along.
As I was reading this book, I was like uhh. There a skinny, fat, medium, between, dancers. No matter what size there are skinny and thick, big female dancers. I was glad that Collette saw that in the end. Especially her mother who needed to see that too. Since, she put that in her head and made her own daughter have doubts. About her dancing, had her thinking only skinny females care better.
Besides, that I can’t wait to read Ryan and Bianca story. And learn about what is going on with her. I can tell she was dealing with a lot. Plus, I think she may have been sort of jealous of Collette too. Ryan is the one that going to change Bianca I can tell... and she is the one to slow Ryan down too.
P.s. At least Ethan, stick it to his dad after what happened after his performance with Ryan band. Because his dad needed to hear what Ethan told him and show him that he didn’t want to be who his father wanted him to be. I think a lot of children growing up need to be themselves and stop trying to be what they parents want them to be. Especially if that’s not what they want. I think this book shows and proves that you can stick it to your parents. and follow you dreams. Ethan proved that to his dad. Because his dad needed to be knocked down a couple inches.
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