Sunday, November 24, 2019

Review: Misadventures at City Hall

Misadventures at City Hall Misadventures at City Hall by Victoria Blue
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

***Busting down in this review; with a few or a lot of spoilers*

This book was also an ARC, but I been busy with other things to get around to reading it... (hitch: school and reading other books).

So regardless of this late review, I wanted to read this book still. I even have a paperback book. Because I wanted the collection... I read the ebook instead since I have more time with reading the ebooks since I’m in college, rather than reading the actually hardback or paperback copy of this book

So with that being said.....

This book may have ten chapters. But the chapters were long enough to keep your interest. I actually enjoyed this story with Kyle and Skye. When I was reading the story about her best friend, “Oliver” in Misadventures with a Book Boyfriend” with Bailey, the woman he fell in love with. I just had to well no... I couldn’t wait until Skye get her story. I even knew she would’ve gotten her story even before finishing that book.

I also want to mention that I want Laura to get a book too. I am so curious about her too. Other than that, I did like the fact, regardless of how rude she been with him (Kyle). He didn’t care one bit about her attitude lol. Plus, I thought it was rude and weird that he was also running for City Council as what she was running for... but at least, in the end, he dropped out. Because for the one you could tell he didn’t even care about becoming a city council at all...I also thought that maybe he had a thing for Skye when they both were at UCLA... especially if he just randomly came at her at the food place with her best friend, Laura, not only that he was so determined to have her.

I also thought it was a bit creepy 😂🤣 ... IDC how fine someone no way I just randomly kiss someone unless I am trying to smash or whatever... it was just weird regardless of how they knew each other. Plus, I think she may have hated him at college; because she may have had a thing for him on the DL. But at least in the end they both well more so Skye figured out what she wanted in the end. I was waiting for her to get pregnant, but it never happened. Lol!!

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