My rating: 5 of 5 stars
There's a couple of spoilers in and there. But probably not that many.,
So I finally got around to reading the next book to this series. & I can say I am not disappointed. It was really good; I also can say that I knew Peter had a thing for Violet; I mean, when Derek was flirting with her on the first day, it was funny how mad he got and demanded her to come to his office. I was a dang boy; just tell this girl you like her already. But I also understood how he didn't want to trust the next female who works for him because of what Kristen did to him. Which was just horrible it's funny how people can do things to you like that and don't think anything is wrong.
One thing I can say if it weren't for him meeting Violet, I don't think he would've gotten the rights back for his book. That he wrote, when someone steals your hard work, and you have actual proof of that work everywhere, you can get it again even if you sign something or you didn't because that is stealing. I was glad he got his thriller back with the help of Violet. I did want to smack him because I thought he was about to diss Violet and not talk to her just because she never told him about her daughter, I mean who wouldn't when someone you trying to get a job from telling you, only way you get this job is if you have no obligations (like kids, etc.) at home...
But in the end they made a happy family; I also was wondering how in the world Peter and Violet fit into this series because I was like how do they know any of the guys or women in this book.. but I learn that Violet is best friends with Lilith and Peter is friends with Bruce... I also see that William still wild...
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