My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Now I understand where the @12thKnight came from!!!!
***I laid out a bunch of spoilers throughout this review; so beware of the spoilers******
Okay so, this book was pretty good. I just glad I wasn’t disappointed and bored when I first started this book. & I kind of figured that one of them "Lily or Owen" would’ve found out about Violet pretending to be her twin brother Sebastian.
What I think Violet should’ve done was stop communicating with Lily; because she clearly made it worse, but didn’t really lie about who her brother was as a person. She just lied about who was behind the screen of the username @12thKnight! If it weren’t for Owen, neither of them would’ve known if Violet wouldn’t have told them. Heck, I was even waiting on her to tell her own twin brother, but clearly, they both were keeping secrets...
But I felt like Owen shouldn’t have been butting her for Violet lying heck he was stringing her along, and also hurting her feelings by how he was treating her when it came to his dad, and not only that how he treated her and always walk away from her when it came to Lily... like clearly he couldn’t get over her (Lily) but set and got big mad at Violet... I mean he clearly asked for her help & not only that both Lily and Owen brought it on themselves because for one Lily was the one to write that Anonymous post about herself breaking with Owen clearly she was hoping for a reaction, and she also wrote @12thKnight, because she clearly had a thing for Sebastian.
In my mind I felt like she used Violet too because she only hung out with Vil to get information on Sebastian because she wanted him... every time they hung out, she asked about Violet twin brother. So for her to hold that grudge for that long was ridiculous heck she lied to Owen too, but he got over it... she didn’t care to forgive Violet but still wanted her brother though. I was like girl you may as well forgive her... you clearly see she’s trying...
I was glad that she (Lily) finally came around after reading that letter that Violet written to her but also may as well say it was for Owen too.
Besides that, it sucked that Owen got hurt that I felt like I read a book that was similar to that, but with a different sport, I believe it was football. But anyway, that even hurt my heart when I read that part, and not only that you could feel and understand that Violet really cared about Owen and didn’t honestly want to hurt him... but you look at it they both hurt each other, but at least they came around and finally ended up dating, and Owen got to play Rugby 🏉 again...
P.S. when I was reading this book I was like hmm maybe “Rugby” not so bad of a sport them I research it and learn you can get hurt from it and also died from playing to as you do with American football 🏈... clearly you could tell it tough and hurtful sport from reading what happened to Owen... but at least his dad finally came around and also Lily mom came around too I guess neither of their parents didn’t have much to say about the two charity cases, who go to a rich school on a scholarship anymore.. 😒🙄... they were so annoying and rich pricks... not only that someone who’s lower class, middle class can be perfect to match for someone who may have more money than them (such as upper-class people -millionaire e, c) .but they can be way better because often time two rich people together can become a disaster and both sides can use each other for a better come up, especially when it comes to their children for example: “Owen and Lily”.. at least Lily got both of her and Owen out of that disasters relationship before they become their parents....
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