My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I liked this book it was; different than the others
****There's definitely spoilers throughout this review:*****
Omg, I’m here like Mr. Brandon, why they are talking about the counselor from books 1-5 in this series. Come to find out Blake is the actual guy who spoke to those girls (Lacey, Jamie, Audrey, Tina & Anna) through their eating disorders. Because In one of the books it mentions how he had the same problem in school and comes to find out he was the dang counselor. I was here ‘lost’ wondering who’s “Sara” was and why a book was written about her... I thought I had seen her name in at least two or three books to this series... during the girls counseling sessions. But I can’t place her.. but then my brain is telling me in one of these books her name is mentioned when Mr. Brandon talked about his wife.
That is crazy; I liked Mr. Brandon in book 1-5, and dislike like him 2.5 seconds when he let dust bunny Britney and her friends bully Sara! I think he could’ve to help Sara! If he actually did care for her. The way he went about it hurt Sara so bad especially all those evil things they did to her. I couldn’t blame Sara for not wanting to talk to him and not deal with him. Run away when he comes around. I too think why are you here, trying to ruin my life again. But I cannot wait until he apologizes and explains to Sara why he did what he did when they were in high school together.
I’m still mad about that set up that was the plan. But I was wondering how they played that setup so well when (well, how they know Sara was going to the bathroom at the particular time)... plus Darla and Jared were both a piece of crap too. I definitely wanted to smack them both with Britney...
I like how Blake finally gave Sara an explanation of why he couldn’t tell her or diss her “treated her like crap” as he said., I knew Britney was EVIL but evil enough to put Blake eating disorders out was pure evil if that was the case behind him treating Sara the way he did. I still said he was DEAD wrong!
But glad in the end, she knew that she should’ve forgiven him a LONG time ago; especially behind the reason, he did what he did. I also, knew that it wasn't planned for Sara to find Blake passed out! Ha, Britney saw Blake changed because of Sara; what a hater. Glad, that Sara got Blake in the end. #truefacts
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