Saturday, January 26, 2019

Review: Slow Burn

Slow Burn Slow Burn by Nicole Christie
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

UGH, these chapters; so long, Good book, just ugh!

••••• ***Spoilers going to be throughout this review so beware mkay?**••••

I’ve been reading so many of these romance books. That I don’t know what “dick” is because I am so used to seeing/reading and saying cock” ... & I don’t even use that word I say “Dick” I am like wth is a COCK? 😂 I'm so used to that word I’m here like did he say cock or dick in this book ... but then I realize he said: “she rides me like a Harley on a bumpy road.” Boop oh well! Mishap😂

But I’m trying to figure out if it’s Nick or Dean, Juliet going to end up with. It better not be Johnny; that’s going to be a disappointment, at its best. I don’t even understand why Juliet and Johnny were also trying to get back with each other; they are no good for each other. For one they are both toxic. I don’t even know why he was chasing her so much, and she’s debating on going back to him.

Though I hope she doesn’t; I was glad she lost her virginity to Nick instead of Johnny. I wonder who she’s going to end up with; I so want her with Nick; I do wonder how they’ll feel if each of them goes at someone in front of each other. They are so awkward now since they had sex; I wonder if anyone would notice; especially Mack because he’s the one that’s always around them both.

It’s crazy to how Johnny got mad at her though when she admitted that she had sex with someone. Then he goes to; straight diss her... like humph I think he did this because she wasn’t a virgin anymore. Then he out there with this girl and that. I’m like mkay; boy an excellent way to show the girl you supposedly want; how you feel about her. I can tell every girl Arianna, and Kara doesn’t be mean to her like that now especially going on a double date with Ben and Arianna .. I guess Johnny was not pinning after her, so they change just a little. But I’ll see how things go once I get further, but I’m so hoping she gets with Nick ugh they shouldn’t be ignoring each other; well Juliet ignoring him ugh; I think he may feel something and was hurt by her saying it was a mistake. Smh! She rather gave her V card to Johnny instead that chick stupid dumb for real.

I’m just happy she’s talking back with Nick. They were so awkward. It ends up with her ex Johnny stepbrother Dean it’s better than Johnny. Because both are so toxic ... I see she getting those sparks and electricity with Dean but not with Johnny ha! Ha! Lorena can tell Juliet likes Dean 😀 especially when she was putting a tank (aquarium) up in this room! I wanted to smack her for not giving into her feeling for Dean in chapter 37; by chapter 39 she better makes up her dang mind. She is so wishy-washy.

But since Heather her supposedly friend diss her for someone who’s getting her into drugs. I hope she doesn’t give into that friendship easily. She better do her like she is done Nike and Johnny if not that will irritate me. Because Heather was her friend, she wouldn’t have gotten mad Juliet was there for her and trying to help her. Her dang head was far up Sloane ass it didn’t make any sense. I tell you when a person falls for somebody they diss everybody who cares about them. But run back when things go sour. I’m a see what Heather mind is at soon.

Btw, Juliet needs glasses for night time she can’t see to save her life. It’s funny to me how it didn’t take her long to seek out Dean and apologize about ignoring him. But never did it with Nick; he was the one to speak first and get their friendship kind of back. I realize that she tells Dean a lot of things that she hasn’t told Johnny.

But it sucks what had happened to Johnny he made so many mistakes throughout this book. That I hope he does straighten up and go for sports medicine as Juliet told him. I always say you need a backup plan when you decide to go into sports as your career. You’ll never know when you end up hurting yourself to a point you can’t play anymore. That’s why I said I don’t understand why these football players (in real life),: don’t finish college and then get drafted into the NFL. Btw I’m so irritated because this book is so long that I’m over it now. It’s 54 chapters which I think it’s ridiculous even to have ugh.

I am so glad I am done with this book. Thought it would never end. But I was mad at Dean for how long that stupid plan he had with dust bunny Kara. Until Nick came to Juliet and told her what was going on; not only that Dani too. They all well the females should’ve had Juliet back, to begin with. They let Dust Bunny Kara control them and what they do. At least Dean came to his senses because I wanted to smack his ass silly. Also; I wish Kara got what she deserved Juliet was right everything that was BAD happening from Johnny; Dani; Arianna and Dean were all of Kara doing it’s crazy how someone can hate one person because both guys wanted another girl and not her. Good that neither Johnny or Dean didn’t do Anything with her. But btw all that I FREAKING LIKE BEN THAT DUDE IS LIFE AND FUNNY.

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