Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Review: Misadventures with a Rock Star

Misadventures with a Rock Star Misadventures with a Rock Star by Helen Hardt
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

••••**** Spoilers*** maybe***•••

Okay, this review going to be short I don’t have much to say. But I will say that; I am glad that Jett aka Jeremy gotten rid of that demon Alicia. That old duck; was ruining his life. I wonder if she had a husband or not! It’s crazy how she’s so evil; that she even went above to mess with a gay man. Like sheesh, lady.

On top of that, she wanted to ruin Heather. But I glad that Heather didn’t pay her ass any mind; even Jeremey didn’t pay her any mind half the time. I cracked up when she thought Jeremy had sex with her, but in reality, it was a dildo ha! Priceless.

Not only that I liked how he wanted to be Jeremy to Heather and only Jett to his fans. That was awesome; glad that he wanted I mean glad that they both found love in each other. But the crazy thing is a lot of celebrities who sing/rap actually have gotten into a relationship with their groupies or have had sex with them. Her friend Susie and those girls Janet and Lindy; only wanted to be groupies whereas Heather didn’t l liked that about her because who wanted to live their lives just to be whoring their self to sex with rock stars that are only going to look at you as a sex object... I was glad that Jett didn’t look at Heather in that way.

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Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Review: The Mean Girl and the New Guy

The Mean Girl and the New Guy The Mean Girl and the New Guy by Julia Keanini
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book was good; I was rooting for Jamie, and Cole to come around!
••••**** Just a few little spoilers in this review•****••••
The “other” Jamie; she let Jamie control her and everything that is going on in her life. From her clothes, the way she looks and the guy she likes. She’s so afraid of Jamie that she doesn’t have her own mind. I cannot wait until she grows one so that she can’t stop letting Jamie control her. The other Jamie needs Cole in her life. I cannot wait until Cole; probe to Jamie that he wants the “other” Jamie instead of her ass. I can’t stand that Jamie girl. The other Jamie; she doesn’t seem to bad; especially when she becomes her true self and not be who Jamie wants her to be. Hopefully, she becomes friends with Lacey and her friends once she her real self. But I am wondering if the “other” Jamie is the Jamie that was supposed to be friends with Lacey and her friends before their friend Ash had died, and the other Jamie became a cheerleader... I can’t seem to remember which Jamie it was.
Oh, I love this quote of what Ella said to the “other” Jamie “Are you sure? Because sometimes, no matter how much our friend likes a guy, if the guy doesn’t like her back, it won’t work out.”
Lord, I hope and can’t wait until the other Jamie (Jamie Jenkins) understand that Cole not thinking about Jamie (the evil on one)
This other Jamie is so dumb she let her friend talk bad about her talk about her weight etc., and she still friends with her. Even after the fact she (her friend Jamie) disrespected her brother girl Ella & still wants Cole after the fact she knows the “other” Jamie wants him / have a crush on him. Gosh, I want to smack the other Jamie so bad for being so ignorant and dumb minded ugh! This girl is so annoying! Gah!
But, the other Jamie seems happier since she got (well so, “devil” Jamie got rid of her)... like Ella said Jamie was toxic; she wasn’t good for the “other” Jamie. Once she was done with devil Jamie. Everything went well for her again!
& in the end, I was glad that the “other” Jamie made great decisions; made new and better friends; apologies to many people she hurt. She seems happier since Jamie not in her life. Funny how “evil” Jamie wanted to hurt her (“other Jamie); but in the end, she was the one life gotten ruined by getting pregnant. Glad, that the guy that evil Jamie got pregnant by; his mom was smart enough not to let her get rid of the baby like she did the first one... Cole best friend Scotty dodge that bullet! & I am also glad that Cole finally stops acting stank and got with “other” Jamie finally it took him long (prom) enough ask her out. I like in the end (five years later; Cole and Jamie got married; Payton got married to Dragon, and Jake and Ella had a baby :D

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Saturday, January 26, 2019

Review: Misadventures with The Boss

Misadventures with The Boss Misadventures with The Boss by Kendall Ryan
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

•••• Towards the middle and end I will have spoilers in this review.••

I know that out of all the “misadventures series” books I’ve read. This one is the only one to have a longer sex scene. Because all of them had an hour make-out scene; etc. and a 2.5 sex scene or less; because they are done soon I blink an eye. At least with this one Jackson; can last longer 😂😂😂 ... doesn’t kiss for a year; lick the click for an hour ... not once does the women last that long when given head; 😂😂 but anyways I do like this book. I do. I didn’t know I would feel once I start this one; I like a book that can keep my attention.

But anyways now that I got that out of the way let me state that; I liked this book; I enjoyed it didn’t take me long to finish! Though, I would’ve been finishing this book; if I wasn’t reading an another. That I just finished yesterday. But anyway; as I said I was glad that Piper found love in Jackson; I understood why she left once she gotten pregnant any female will think what she thought. He stated how he didn’t want kids and stuff. So your best bet a woman is to run. But I also understood how Jackson felt; Piper didn’t give him a chance to see if he wanted the baby or not.... glad both of them came to their senses and gotten back to together, to take care of their daughter... I do assume their daughter name is Mae... which I really think is hideous.

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Review: Slow Burn

Slow Burn Slow Burn by Nicole Christie
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

UGH, these chapters; so long, Good book, just ugh!

••••• ***Spoilers going to be throughout this review so beware mkay?**••••

I’ve been reading so many of these romance books. That I don’t know what “dick” is because I am so used to seeing/reading and saying cock” ... & I don’t even use that word I say “Dick” I am like wth is a COCK? 😂 I'm so used to that word I’m here like did he say cock or dick in this book ... but then I realize he said: “she rides me like a Harley on a bumpy road.” Boop oh well! Mishap😂

But I’m trying to figure out if it’s Nick or Dean, Juliet going to end up with. It better not be Johnny; that’s going to be a disappointment, at its best. I don’t even understand why Juliet and Johnny were also trying to get back with each other; they are no good for each other. For one they are both toxic. I don’t even know why he was chasing her so much, and she’s debating on going back to him.

Though I hope she doesn’t; I was glad she lost her virginity to Nick instead of Johnny. I wonder who she’s going to end up with; I so want her with Nick; I do wonder how they’ll feel if each of them goes at someone in front of each other. They are so awkward now since they had sex; I wonder if anyone would notice; especially Mack because he’s the one that’s always around them both.

It’s crazy to how Johnny got mad at her though when she admitted that she had sex with someone. Then he goes to; straight diss her... like humph I think he did this because she wasn’t a virgin anymore. Then he out there with this girl and that. I’m like mkay; boy an excellent way to show the girl you supposedly want; how you feel about her. I can tell every girl Arianna, and Kara doesn’t be mean to her like that now especially going on a double date with Ben and Arianna .. I guess Johnny was not pinning after her, so they change just a little. But I’ll see how things go once I get further, but I’m so hoping she gets with Nick ugh they shouldn’t be ignoring each other; well Juliet ignoring him ugh; I think he may feel something and was hurt by her saying it was a mistake. Smh! She rather gave her V card to Johnny instead that chick stupid dumb for real.

I’m just happy she’s talking back with Nick. They were so awkward. It ends up with her ex Johnny stepbrother Dean it’s better than Johnny. Because both are so toxic ... I see she getting those sparks and electricity with Dean but not with Johnny ha! Ha! Lorena can tell Juliet likes Dean 😀 especially when she was putting a tank (aquarium) up in this room! I wanted to smack her for not giving into her feeling for Dean in chapter 37; by chapter 39 she better makes up her dang mind. She is so wishy-washy.

But since Heather her supposedly friend diss her for someone who’s getting her into drugs. I hope she doesn’t give into that friendship easily. She better do her like she is done Nike and Johnny if not that will irritate me. Because Heather was her friend, she wouldn’t have gotten mad Juliet was there for her and trying to help her. Her dang head was far up Sloane ass it didn’t make any sense. I tell you when a person falls for somebody they diss everybody who cares about them. But run back when things go sour. I’m a see what Heather mind is at soon.

Btw, Juliet needs glasses for night time she can’t see to save her life. It’s funny to me how it didn’t take her long to seek out Dean and apologize about ignoring him. But never did it with Nick; he was the one to speak first and get their friendship kind of back. I realize that she tells Dean a lot of things that she hasn’t told Johnny.

But it sucks what had happened to Johnny he made so many mistakes throughout this book. That I hope he does straighten up and go for sports medicine as Juliet told him. I always say you need a backup plan when you decide to go into sports as your career. You’ll never know when you end up hurting yourself to a point you can’t play anymore. That’s why I said I don’t understand why these football players (in real life),: don’t finish college and then get drafted into the NFL. Btw I’m so irritated because this book is so long that I’m over it now. It’s 54 chapters which I think it’s ridiculous even to have ugh.

I am so glad I am done with this book. Thought it would never end. But I was mad at Dean for how long that stupid plan he had with dust bunny Kara. Until Nick came to Juliet and told her what was going on; not only that Dani too. They all well the females should’ve had Juliet back, to begin with. They let Dust Bunny Kara control them and what they do. At least Dean came to his senses because I wanted to smack his ass silly. Also; I wish Kara got what she deserved Juliet was right everything that was BAD happening from Johnny; Dani; Arianna and Dean were all of Kara doing it’s crazy how someone can hate one person because both guys wanted another girl and not her. Good that neither Johnny or Dean didn’t do Anything with her. But btw all that I FREAKING LIKE BEN THAT DUDE IS LIFE AND FUNNY.

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Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Review: Outside the Lines

Outside the Lines Outside the Lines by Emily Goodwin
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Outside the lines?! Hmm 🤔

This book was good.

•••Wait hold up may be some spoilers in it.•••

So like I said it might be spoilers in this book; depends on what I’m thinking while typing up this review. I know that I liked this book it was pretty good; the description of the book gave that away. But anyways, I would like to the point out that I’ve read a few of Emily Goodwin books; and I want to say that Ben lasted way longer than the other dudes during sex. 😂😂😂😂😂😂 I just had to say that because usually when I am reading books. The kissing and licking and talking are to dang long and the sex parts are like 2 minutes 😂 just a blink of an eye.

So with that being said; I like how Ben didn’t care that Felicia was a nerd and weird; he loved her regardless. That made Mindy so jealous and wanted what Felicia had. Though they did sex a few times; that is not what he wanted. Mindy was the devil she was pure evil. I think she was jealous of Felicia in high school and as an adult. She was so bitter; it was ridiculous and she tried to clown Felicia a few times, but no one didn’t care what she (Mindy) thought and wasn’t on her side. Even though, her sister gave those side glances. I bet Mindy believed that Ben would leave Felicia but got fool when she found out they were together. I bet she left her husband so that she could be with Ben. But in the end; Felicia got the man. I did thought she was going to be pregnant half towards the end, but it never happened oh well.

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Review: Outside the Lines

Outside the Lines Outside the Lines by Emily Goodwin
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Outside the lines?! Hmm 🤔

This book was good.

•••Wait hold up may be some spoilers in it.•••

So like I said it might be spoilers in this book; depends on what I’m thinking while typing up this review. I know that I liked this book it was pretty good; the description of the book gave that way. But anyways, I would like to the point that I’ve read a few of Emily Goodwin books; and I want to say that Ben lasted way longer than the other dudes during sex 😂😂😂😂😂😂 I just had to say that because usually when I am reading books. The kissing and licking and talking are to dang long and the sex parts are like 2 minutes 😂 just a blink of an eye.

So with that being said; I like how Ben didn’t care that Felicia was a nerd and weird; he loved her regardless. That made Mindy so jealous and wanted what Felicia had. Though they did sex a few times; that is not what he wanted. Mindy was the devil she was pure evil. I think she was jealous of Felicia in high school and as an adult. She was so bitter; it was ridiculous and tried to clown her a few times, but no one didn’t care what she thought and wasn’t on her side. Even though, her sister gave those side glances. I bet Mindy believed that Ben would leave Felicia but got fool when she found out they were together. I bet she left her husband so that she could be with Ben. But in the end; Felicia got the man. I did thought she was going to be pregnant half towards the end, but it never happened oh well.

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Review: Outside the Lines

Outside the Lines Outside the Lines by Emily Goodwin
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Outside the lines?! Hmm 🤔

This book was good.

•••Wait hold up may be some spoilers in it.•••

So like I said it might be spoilers in this book; depends on what I’m thinking while typing up this review. I know that I liked this book it was pretty good; the description of the book gave that way. But anyways, I would like to the point that I’ve read a few of Emily Goodwin books; and I want to say that Ben lasted way longer than the other dudes during sex 😂😂😂😂😂😂 I just had to say that because usually when I am reading books. The kissing and licking and talking are to dang long and the sex parts me 2 minutes 😂 just a blink of an eye.

So with that being said; I like how Ben didn’t care that Felicia was a nerd and weird; he loved her regardless. That made Mindy so jealous and wanted what Felicia had. Though they did sex a few times; that is not what he wanted. Mindy was the devil she was pure evil. I think she was jealous of Felicia in high school and as an adult. She was so bitter; it was ridiculous and tried to clown her a few times, but no one didn’t care what she thought and wasn’t on her side. Even though, her sister gave those side glances. I bet Mindy believed that Ben would leave Felicia but got fool when she found out they were together. I bet she left her husband so that she could be with Ben. But in the end; Felicia got the man. I did thought she was going to be pregnant half towards the end, but it never happened oh well.

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Saturday, January 19, 2019

Review: Misadventures with a Rookie

Misadventures with a Rookie Misadventures with a Rookie by Toni Aleo
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

.=+++&*****Not that many spoilers but I am trying to make my point in this review with my thoughts lol.

I will say it's funny how she tells Gus how it is, it's hilarious. I agree with his friend Maxy, "I like her"... LOL, he (Gussy") about the get in all the spots just to get himself some "Bo. I knew that Bo wouldn't last long without falling for Gus, because as they say you cannot resist anything that you want. You will give in to temptation, and she also did, that part where she first ends up in the ER smh with the skate incident; which could've been avoided smh, lol. It was both their fault, but I liked how they both were they for each other when they both kept ending up in the ER.

Not only that I do think that Bo, but she's also not trying to tell anyone the reason behind why she lost her scholarship to an Ivy league college. & not only that she gets weird when Gus kept asking about the kid in her phone, I still think the kid is her son, and she got pregnant, and that's why she lost her scholarship. This my gut feeling; and I am always right."

And ding ding ding, I was right, Bo is Davis mom. & Bo mother is a straight bitch. I'm hoping by the end that she can get her son back and be with Gus as a family. Her mom doesn't deserve Davis, because the way she's talking down on her daughter who's Davis mom. What a bitch even, Bo dad Taylor knows Rachel being a cunt.

I was glad that Gus finally found out that Davis was Bo, son like took him long enough if it wasn't for Gus mom telling him, I bet 100% that Bo would've taken that shit to her grave, smh. He hasn't kept any secrets from her, and he told her, but she wanted to get stank mad and cry like girl shut up, he cared and wanted to know the story of what happened.

The fact of the matter is Gus has proven to her that he cares about her so Much. But in her mind, she's not there yet. It's hard for her to believe him because one he's a hockey player two she dated one who ended up pregnant by. But she needs to realize that Gus isn't Jesse.

She mad annoying because she felt like she can up and leave, but if Gus does the exact thing she'll be mad as hell. I wanted to smack her in chapter thirty-one.

But in the end, I was that she realized that she can't live without Gus and got her man back 2ho never stopped loving her. Not only that I also was glad that she and her mother Rachel finally made up. Though it sucked that she wouldn't have Davis back as her son, it's good that she still be there for him and with him even if only as his sister.

& before I end this book, I will say I just freaking hate Bo whole name especially that "Jane."

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Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Review: Abi and the Boy Next Door

Abi and the Boy Next Door Abi and the Boy Next Door by Kelsie Stelting
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

How about a door down from Abi

***** Oh I pointed out a lot in this book, so be aware of the spoilers because its a lot.****

I was like if Denise comes for her, she better go for that neck. Just by reading this you could tell Denise never liked Abigail. Abi ass kept getting on my last nerve. I know that for sure. Throughout the book from chapter one to chapter thirty-two, she kept saying she was fat; I just kept rolling my eyes, because I am like lord girl shut up already, just exercise and lose the weight so you can be “skinny” ... I hate when people who are heavy, medium size or whatever complain about their weight when they can exercise to lose it and eat healthier. Hell skinny people have it hard to especially if they are trying to gain weight. Both are the same people going to talk about your weight size and bullying you no matter if you are FAT or SKINNY... smh! One size is never better than the other; we all need to eat healthily.

But Abi ass also got on my nerves when it came to Jon; Evan liked her and taken her on dates etc., but Jon hasn’t done any of those things that Evan did. He even pushed her on Evan, by saying he liked her. Where all she thought about “Jon; Jon; Jon;” and I’m here like girl, please shut up about Jon. It got on nerves because I felt as though she needed him out her system like seriously; she brushes her off for Bean - pie head ass Denise and haven’t asked her out nor spend time with her even for his brother. I’m waiting on his wack self to diss Denise and actually be there and care about Abi like he is to him may as well say she loves him. Even his parents and her grandmother want them together. Took them fives years sixty-eight days to say they like each other; well him liking her! NOT!!!!!

“Your ‘friend’? You told me you only hang out with her because your mom said you too!” This exact quote irks me because he wasn’t her true friend if he lied to his “girlfriend” about who she is to him. I could smack him to the other side of Mexico. Knowing Abi, her tail still is obsessed and care about him even after the fact that he told Bean pie head I mean “Denise.”

I didn’t even felt bad for Jon when he came to Abi to apologize and quoted to Abi “I got so lost in having a relationship and not wanting to hurt her feelings that I forgot about my feelings—and I guess about yours too.” I would’ve been petty, saying Cee-Lo song “FUCK YOU” even though I’m crying and dying inside.. probably throwing darts at his picture lol. I was glad she brushes him off. Because he been doing that to her a lot especially around pinhead... glad they broke up; funny it took him long enough to realize his dumb mistakes... chapter thirty-two to realize smh!

It’s good to know Jon loves Abi wanted thirty-eight years (chapter 38) to tell her 😂😂 he could’ve been in chapter 20, or when he started dating Denise ass. 🙄🙄🙄

But forgiveness “It means forgiving others and yourself so you can live the kind of life you want.” is the key to a lot of things I already knew she was going to forgive Jon. I think he was just scared. Brained washed when started dating Denise though he says “I had to make you like me, I wanted to spend time with you, any chance I could. I told Denise that my mom was making me hang out with you because she was jealous, and it was the only thing I thought she would understand.” “Not that it was okay to lie, I just… got lost in it all.”

I just wished Jon would’ve told her from the start instead of running from LOVE blah! It’s good to know that Abi finally came to love herself and she stopped her running from things too especially with the situation with her parents. Her moving away from that toxic to end up moving with her G’ma be with those who loved her and cared about her and her well being. I’ll give this book a 4 star ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ even though Abi on my nerves throughout the whole chapter except chapters thirty-seven thirty-eight maybe thirty-six too.

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Sunday, January 13, 2019

Review: Misadventures with My Roommate

Misadventures with My Roommate Misadventures with My Roommate by Elizabeth Hayley
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This was a cute little book. I mean it did take me a while actually to finish this book. Due to the fact of me being in college, and didn't have time to actually read the paperback books, that I was planning to read, but I finally finish this book that I had started way back in December of 2017. Sheesh, that was way back then can't even believe that. But anyway, this book wasn't boring, it was actually a really good book. I don't think I even added any spoilers in this review. If so beware I guess, HA. Anyways, I liked both Blake, and Gavin story, and how they both fit for each other, they both made each other be a better person, and go for what they want. Especially Gavin Blake was so right for him. Especially when dealing with Gavin parents. Same, for Gavin for Blake... But I kept getting confused by her name I kept thinking she was the guy for 1.5 seconds lol.

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Saturday, January 12, 2019

Review: The Tenth Girl

The Tenth Girl The Tenth Girl by Carrie Aarons
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Mkay, I thought both Cain and Harper was good for each other, But God his name reminds me of the Ken doll, and some author name in a movie I can’t think of.

••• Just a few little spoilers throughout •••**

I was so aiming for Harper not to give Cain her V Card before she found out that she was competition and was placed as the tenth girl. But throughout him trying to rear her in to get what he wanted he (Cain) fell for her hard. Then he didn’t care about that competition that he made when he and his friends were a freshman. All he cared about was Harper; you could tell he cared for her after a while because. She even gave me the opportunity to take her V card, but he didn’t he pleased her differently. He wanted to take his time and be with her. But his friends ruined it for him. Though; I think if he would’ve told Harper about the competition they wouldn’t have broken up. Harper had a right to be mad at him. I hope that though he will go to college, he finished out his degree at the college. Because 9/10 most athletes don’t complete a degree then end up hurt with no backup plan.. but in the end, It was a cute story, glad it ended with a happy ending…

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Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Review: Pleasures and Punishments: Breaking All the Rules Book Two: Part Two of a Short Series

Pleasures and Punishments: Breaking All the Rules Book Two: Part Two of a Short Series Pleasures and Punishments: Breaking All the Rules Book Two: Part Two of a Short Series by LaSasha Flame
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I really enjoyed reading this book, it crazy how it's actually things like (abuse, rape, auction off, traded, etc.) that happen in this world, which sucks.

••••• I did some spoilers throughout this review•••••

Okay, so before I get started on this review. I want to point out and also mention. In my brain; I am curious about the authors who write erotic BDSM/SMS etc. do they actually do the things with their man/woman the same way the characters in their books do to their “woman”... like is there a KINK to them to like writing this GENRE 😂 ...

Derrick is who Caroline needed both men “Ben and Carson” were horrible men. Lord just let me say this before I finish this review. I hate their names. Those names sooted them well and were definitely fitted for those perv, nasty, rapist, sexual harassment, disgusting men. Yuck, I wanted to smack He-man bitch Mistress Jana < I forgot her name in 1.5 seconds into this review 😂 ... she’s evil like her man truth be told. She is probably gotten things done to her as well as the other women. Especially since she was traded, and turn into a woman. I feel bad for her as well as Caroline did because he was actually a boy. Just sad.

I was glad that Derrick helps all those women escape from those men. Because if not they may have been traded to men that more evil than Ben and Carson. I do wonder how that Ben knew who Derrick was; it could’ve been Jana bean-pie head ass told especially when Derrick barged into that room to get her. She seems like a little snitch anyway. When I got towards the end my paranoid keep thinking something was going to happen especially when she was running; my dang heart was racing. But in the end, she meets up with her mother Desire and found out she had a zillion siblings. Ended up happy with Derek even though she burned the EGGS at the end. She loved herself some eggs too.

But my mind kept wandering if Carson was Caroline dad; since he knew her mother something I want to know but then burned eggs, I just turn away from that. 😂😂😂 But good book though, glad it was longer than the first book. Though, I think it could’ve been made into one book :)

P.S. I love what Caroline said towards the end “I never knew what it was like to be a man’s equal, his partner, his lover.” Glad Derrick gave her that in the end. But this book about the author or no? My curiosity is feeding the cat (I am saying this because of what Caroline named her book).

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Review: Breaking All the Rules: Part One of A Short Series

Breaking All the Rules: Part One of A Short Series Breaking All the Rules: Part One of A Short Series by LaSasha Flame
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

It was actually an interesting book.

••• Wait before reading this review; I may have slop a few spoilers into this review maybe not ... I can be wrong•••!# but be aware •••

This book was actually, but it ended to fast. I wanted to know what was going to happen once they leave that playroom. Is it wrong that I want her to end up with Derrick and remove herself from “Ben” ... like how can you even want someone and be someone submissive to someone with the name Ben” 😂😂 I just cannot with that name whereas Derrick looks like he can put it down, and that he did. Ben can take himself own somewhere with the new girl “Red Riding Hood Whore” as Caroline stated. I like this book; at first, I thought I wouldn’t be interested in it that much but it had my attention from beginning to end and what to know what was going to happen in the end. Though I wasn’t going to start book two after this, but with me now curious I am just going to have to read part two. Wait I have to read the description of two to make, so it's about Caroline and Derrick first. But anyways this was an advanced copy from the author; so that I could give an honest review.

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Friday, January 4, 2019

Review: End Game

End Game End Game by Emily Goodwin
My rating: 5 of 5 stars


••••Spoilers through this book••••

This book. No wait, part two of this book was good. I enjoyed it and glad that it ended with a happy ending. I will say I couldn’t stand Kara, Quinn brother Dean wife. She was mad annoying; acting like Quinn pregnancy was a big problem when it came to her wedding. She was so bitchy, over everything that Involved Quinn; I wish Dean shut her up; and tell her about herself. Especially When it came to his sister. I also didn’t like that fact that Quinn was being whiny about every little thing, but couldn’t be too mad at her about it because she was pregnant. Though, I was glad when both her and Archer wanted to move to Eastwood. I was glad too because that’s where I wanted them to end up at. Especially since Archer family was moving there also. But, since Archer family moved to Eastwood. I am wondering if the author is going to make a story about Archer brother Bobby because I am hoping turns himself around and changes his ways and meets a nice girl. Like I want him to prove everyone wrong; to show them he can be his old self again.” #Letsjustpray the author makes a story about Archer brother to see if he did make a change. Good book though, this one was a 5 star ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️.

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Review: Hot Roommate Blues

Hot Roommate Blues by Parker Avrile My rating: 4 of 5 stars ***Spoilers here and there*** I’m a start of...