My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Bane to her Ruby 😍🤪😜🤩
Yesssss this book was good.
I am so team Bane and Ruby. Even though he has a hideous name, I still like him.
Like I started this book and finished it in like two days of starting it. This storyline and plot were good, but as I was reading, I was considering why Ruby didn’t double Major in her theater degree. Because sometimes with those degrees like Art or theater it’s so hard to get a job at all. It’s nothing like music, dance among other degrees that’s not like music, etc. that’s why I switch up my career path because I was considering going to college for art.
Also, I like how bane got into Ruby dad *** because he was a perk just as Armstrong is a perk I believe he smashes that girl Britney in the story that’s up next about Amalie. Which I cannot wait to read that story it’s about to get juicy, and I need to know who that guy is that she will end up with during her hunny moon.
Lastly, Bane mom seems very controlling hooking him up with a female he did not want. Makes me glad I don’t have wealthy parents because ones who aren’t rich have it bit easier than the rich perks who think they are above others (not all rich). Just the boogie ones and stuck up ones, I cannot stand as in this book, and real life including the broke stuck up and boogied folks in real life too lol!
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