My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I finish Blood Forever in two days, I started this just yesterday, once I finish reading Soul Bound.
[Few Spoilers ALERT]!
I enjoyed this book, because of both Sunny, Magnus, Jareth, and Rayne got a do-over and happy ending in the end. Like yes, finally, Pyrus dusky self-got what he deserved like I was hoping for Pyrus to die, like get eating by those Zombies but that wasn't the chase, he didn't even die, ugh, he wack evil self only got life in vampire prison lol, like whhhyy? But I did get happy though when Bertha died for the second time; Karma's a mother chicken huh? Lol but little ol' Lucifent got killed again for the second time, I was like dang, lol little ol' child vampire can't catch a break, especially when the first he got killed by Bertha and in Blood Forever he got killed by Pyrus. I think he would've shut and lived he may not have been a harm to the human race, as he says he had human friends but since Pyrus is bipolar, that didn't happen. Glad Jareth and Rayne got married in the end, and both Rayne and Sunshine parents are alive, including Sunny being alive to and the guys got their memory back, in the end, Yes awesomeness book.
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