My rating: 3 of 5 stars
Spoilers here and there
I’m a be honest when I first read the synopsis for this book. I was like duddeee I have to READ this. Then I started reading it I’m like okay it’s good. Then was like sooooo they not going to get together yet? I see. It took them couple years to actually date. They met when he was twenty-three and she was thirty-three. Took them until he was twenty-seven and she was thirty-seven to actually get into a full relationship. Though mind you... Griffin been wanting a relationship with Layne when he first met her when he gave her the massage for her birthday.
But she was so focus on him being a young man no more so a “kid” and immature. Even after they started fooling around when they was about thirty-six/twenty-six; twenty-seven/thirty-seven she still wasn’t full on trying to be with Griffin. It took his Griffin best friend Wren to drill it into Layne head that Griffin wants more with her.
I swear Layne got on my nerves half the time. With the games I felt she was playing with Griffin and her own feelings. Even her therapist knew that Layne liked probably even loved him. Which she did. I was glad when she finally got the stick out her a** and went and got her man. Who actually didn’t take the job in New York because he actually wanted to be with her. Smh
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