My rating: 4 of 5 stars
**I splash a lot of spoilers maybe some straight facts too through this review***
This book was good, but half the time I got annoyed because Lucy was getting on my last nerve. About how she this big girl and no guy would go for a big girl... I kept rolling my eyes because I am like she needs to embrace being this big forget what people say about you. Love the person; you are no matter if you are BIG or SMALL! Even though this is fiction, people go through a weight problem every day. Just like you could be a person who is skinny here come to this person trying to bring you down because you aren't a BIGGER size. That's what people was doing to Lucy; they were trying to bring her down because she wasn't a SMALLER size.
Reading this, I am like girl please shut up. Because for one, a skinny woman goes through the same thing. I never understood how someone of a bigger size end up made the smaller size women whereas if someone of a smaller size say "you fat" they get mad but don't realize you can't say omg you "need to eat" doesn't affect someone of a smaller size because they aren't bigger bone.
I agreed with Frankie about Lucy didn't need to eat a salad just because some pop belly flip basket wanted her to when he wasn't even attractive and try to come for her. But I did want to smack her sideways because she kept whining about how Frankie didn't like her; when technically he actually liked her maybe even loved her but she was so offensive and guarded it took her a while to understand "while this man actually does care about me no matter my size"... because for one I also realized why Frankie was the man-whore from learning what his dad did when he was a teenager than keeping that crap balled up inside could affect someone and their relationship. Same thing when it came to Lucy and her parent's relationship it affects Lucy, plus with her bullying from Constance. Who I think was a crap pop because she was clearly a mean person. Rather being a nice person to Lucy; knowing that she "Constance" was going to chemotherapy, I believe it was when she was a teenager. I never think someone would be so cruel when going through something like that... I still think instead of herself being an evil B-witch she could've followed her dreams eventually after things got better for her instead of having a hard-on and hating Lucy from teenagers to adulthood, but at least she did apologize to Lucy for being an evil B-witch!!!
Plus she literally annoyed when they went to be a bar for Frankie brother engagement... like she got mad at him when those idiot cops said: "fat-chicks-are-crazier-in-bed" like a girl her your life... Frankie doesn't think that... I can't wait until I'm done with this book... Lucy pass, annoying! But in the end, it's good that they both came to an understanding they both was wrong; though Lucy was the one that pushes Frankie away before they could form a relationship. Whereas Frankie just was holding on to old feelings about Becky and his dad Frankie Sr. Which is good that he got the truth from his father and twin-brother Finn about his father didn't kiss Becky; she kissed him and then apologize to Katie > who is Frankie mom!
But I'm waiting on a book with Tess and Finn!!! I just have to have a book with them!
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