Friday, August 30, 2019

Review: Muffin Top

Muffin Top Muffin Top by Avery Flynn
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

**I splash a lot of spoilers maybe some straight facts too through this review***

This book was good, but half the time I got annoyed because Lucy was getting on my last nerve. About how she this big girl and no guy would go for a big girl... I kept rolling my eyes because I am like she needs to embrace being this big forget what people say about you. Love the person; you are no matter if you are BIG or SMALL! Even though this is fiction, people go through a weight problem every day. Just like you could be a person who is skinny here come to this person trying to bring you down because you aren't a BIGGER size. That's what people was doing to Lucy; they were trying to bring her down because she wasn't a SMALLER size.

Reading this, I am like girl please shut up. Because for one, a skinny woman goes through the same thing. I never understood how someone of a bigger size end up made the smaller size women whereas if someone of a smaller size say "you fat" they get mad but don't realize you can't say omg you "need to eat" doesn't affect someone of a smaller size because they aren't bigger bone.

I agreed with Frankie about Lucy didn't need to eat a salad just because some pop belly flip basket wanted her to when he wasn't even attractive and try to come for her. But I did want to smack her sideways because she kept whining about how Frankie didn't like her; when technically he actually liked her maybe even loved her but she was so offensive and guarded it took her a while to understand "while this man actually does care about me no matter my size"... because for one I also realized why Frankie was the man-whore from learning what his dad did when he was a teenager than keeping that crap balled up inside could affect someone and their relationship. Same thing when it came to Lucy and her parent's relationship it affects Lucy, plus with her bullying from Constance. Who I think was a crap pop because she was clearly a mean person. Rather being a nice person to Lucy; knowing that she "Constance" was going to chemotherapy, I believe it was when she was a teenager. I never think someone would be so cruel when going through something like that... I still think instead of herself being an evil B-witch she could've followed her dreams eventually after things got better for her instead of having a hard-on and hating Lucy from teenagers to adulthood, but at least she did apologize to Lucy for being an evil B-witch!!!

Plus she literally annoyed when they went to be a bar for Frankie brother engagement... like she got mad at him when those idiot cops said: "fat-chicks-are-crazier-in-bed" like a girl her your life... Frankie doesn't think that... I can't wait until I'm done with this book... Lucy pass, annoying! But in the end, it's good that they both came to an understanding they both was wrong; though Lucy was the one that pushes Frankie away before they could form a relationship. Whereas Frankie just was holding on to old feelings about Becky and his dad Frankie Sr. Which is good that he got the truth from his father and twin-brother Finn about his father didn't kiss Becky; she kissed him and then apologize to Katie > who is Frankie mom!

But I'm waiting on a book with Tess and Finn!!! I just have to have a book with them!

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Sunday, August 25, 2019

Review: The Ruthless Boys

The Ruthless Boys The Ruthless Boys by C.M. Stunich
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Ruthless boys

*** There's spoilers; but not many*****

Bruh that ending is so annoying stay leaving cliffhangers every time. Then I hate where there are no preorders for the next book...

Plus I figured something might have been up with Church. I mean clearly; he was kind of psycho... but who even knows, because he may be doing self-defense and was trying to save himself or Charlotte. I'll find that out in book three whenever it comes out. 

I also don't like her dad... because he fulls dog poop. Because for one he was acting weird as heck when it comes to his daughter and the murders that are going on. Not only that I think the Church may know more than he let on so who knows until we get to book three. 

Clearly, she's now dating four of the guy's mines Church, but I am hoping she'll end up with Spencer as her full-blown boyfriend ONLY. Knowing her, she may end up with all 5 of them or just four... 

I can't wait to find out what really going to happen next in book three. & what will they (Ranger, Twins & Spencer along with Charlotte) find out! 

I also think the people at the place Charlotte at more likely going to find out she's a girl too, especially when she wet. But I want to know who was chasing her was it the killer or Church weird self!

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Thursday, August 22, 2019

Review: Engaged to Mr. Perfect: An Accidental Marriage Romance

Engaged to Mr. Perfect: An Accidental Marriage Romance Engaged to Mr. Perfect: An Accidental Marriage Romance by Lilian Monroe
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

It was good!!!

****Spoilers; just a little bit....****

Ahhh. I like this book. It was kind of annoying though it was funny. Annoying meaning “marriage in Vegas when they were drunk” that’s like every author goes too. It’s pretty annoying when it comes to that storyline... but I was glad that the book was still good even though the marriage crap was ridiculous... but what came out of their Vegas trip was Andrew and Meghan ruining Meg sister wedding it was hilarious when the dove poop on her sister Nadine or whatever he name is head. That was priceless.

I thought that Nadine actually deserved it; because clearly, you could see that Meg family disliked her regardless of her being a sugar daddy when she was young in college to her being a physical therapist as an adult. They didn’t want to work anything out. & it’s ridiculous how they wanted her own dove duty when they didn’t like her to begin with... with her family being evil villains I said at least she’ll have Andrew family who shows love and show that they cared... you see that his mom didn’t disown him for what he did when he was young and in college when he told her over the phone. 

But at least they got themselves clear of Hannah trying to ruin both of their lives.. that girl clearly had a problem, and bipolar mental illness isn’t a joke... at least Andrew hot is 2.1 million back and Hannah got the help that she needed...

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Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Review: The Garden

The Garden The Garden by Amy Sparling
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The gardens • 🌿🌼🍁🍂

****Throwing spoilers throughout this review ****

This book was really good. It took me maybe three days; maybe two to finish it... it’s like the book twelfth Knight (meaning; I finish it really fast) but anyways. I was glad that Declan came to his senses and realized that he shouldn’t hide from Sophia, knowing that he actually liked her. Also; with her speaking up for herself when it came to her parents was also good. Being a trust fund kid; can have its perks and also be hard, especially if your parents are controlling your every move.

But with Sophia moving to New England; and going to boarding school actually helped her to become a better person. Not only that she realize those friends of hers in Malibu wasn’t really a real friend as Declan and Belle were to her. Because clearly everybody didn’t reach out to her once she left... Plus; those students in her school was wack though since neither of them wanted to get to know her; because of a creep like Chad who in the end ended up getting into trouble with selling pills...

Not only that she also helped her cousin with her anxiety if it wasn’t for Sophia, but I also don’t think Belle would’ve left her room the way she did when Sophia mentions the gardens. The gardens actually helped both Sophia and her cousin Bella and also good that she thought college was an option for her, especially since she didn’t care for it when she was in Malibu.

I did like how Sophia got Declan family their garden back by talking to her parents, and using her trust fund is a good way to help her boyfriend. But at least her mom said she’ll get it back eventually. But I doubt Sophia cared lol.

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Monday, August 19, 2019

Review: Say Yes

Say Yes Say Yes by Elle Kennedy
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

*** There are spoilers throughout ****

Okay, I was so curious about this book and wanted to know what this book was about well no I wanted to know what will happen in this book. I also figured that Dirk aka Evan was actually a freaking twin... like I thought it was hilarious how she confronted EVAN who she thought was Devon and told her best friend she bangs her fiancé... when in reality she actually didn’t. Good thing; that Marcy knew the twins apart because even she had to realize the error in Emilia mistaken the twins. 

Even when she checks her events, etc., she still got it confused when it came to the twins. & only figured it out when she saw them together. Well more so when Evan stated she-bang, his brother after she was with him that night... 🤣 he wasn’t playing around either when it came to getting with her again... it takes a song they both liked for Emilia to figure out that it was a good idea to go back and see how things would end when it came to Evan.

But I wish it was a longer book though because I wanted to know if they were going to end up dating and maybe married like her best friend... I know I saw their names at the end of the book like at the beginning with Marcy and Devon... 

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Sunday, August 18, 2019

Review: Butterface

Butterface Butterface by Avery Flynn
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

****I pointed out a few spoilers; I had to give in this review****** 

When reading this book, it makes me understand when you look a certain way. Even if you have a scar on your body, a big forehead and even a big nose like Gina does it’s like that’s the first thing someone sees... is your big lips or big ears. They never see the person that you are or try to get to know you...

Just a Gina having a big nose... I’m going to state something but also similar to what Gina has. It’s this author a female she has a big nose, and she’s a very beautiful woman, but I had stated and pointed to someone about how she looks like the singer Mya... but the only thing they looked at was her “nose” and not her actual face...

It’s crazy how people can think you are ugly because you look different. I understand what Gina has gone through though never had a big nose or whatever but bullying of how you look; even if you aren’t ugly. I bet that Gina isn’t ugly, not at all. That’s why I liked how Ford looked beyond her nose and got to know her and wanted to kiss her regardless of how she looks. To me, the only thing someone can say about her and point out about her is her “nose” and butterface... it’s like when people make a stupid immature joke it’s always the same wack joke... but I didn’t like how Ford came about getting to know Gina; knowing how overprotective her brothers are and how insecure she is when it comes to her looks. & he got to know her on a false detail about her grandfather... 

After what happened when Ford came over with that stupid apology and looked through the box her brothers Paul and Rocco left her I understood why she was upset and told him to go... like really my guy that was just mad wrong on so many levels... I did like it when Gina was with her friends and stated that:

“I just want a man who sees me and doesn’t see the ugly girl. He sees me, and he loves me, not in spite of my face but partly because of it.” I mean what girl doesn’t want that for herself even if you are beautiful or ugly...

But I did like the fact; that Ford came to Gina and apologized finally and told her how he felt... but falling the step again... Am I like really? Especially Gina like who cries and just step on steps you know messed up and was getting fixed like sheesh!!!! But at least they got a happy ending in the end.... because regardless of anything Ford thought she was beautiful and also looked out for her brothers when he didn’t have to I was glad when she finally realize because his family really cared about Gina....& her brothers liked Ford too even though they gave him a hard time... but she did get on my nerves sometimes because I am like girl just embrace the “ugly” clearly he thinks you aren’t UGLY! But insecurities will do that to a person; often a lot of people have those regardless of how their life may be... 

P.S. I liked the ending though with their daughter wanting to punch her cousin 🤣 was saying “get out of the way big nose” I said to myself I bet he is going to be the one to protect her in school too when people try to bully her.

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Saturday, August 17, 2019

Review: Sway

Sway Sway by M.F. Lorson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

It was good


I liked this book pretty good read. It had me interested once I went back to re-reading, where I left off. Because at first, I thought this book; it was boring by how it started off until I got back into it... since I wanted to read this whole story...

But I am thinking I know Will from one of those books it could be from Tessa, but I am not sure... because I know her (Tessa), and Angelo had a problem with a rich prick... but anyways I didn’t like how Christopher was playing games; when it came to Anne I think he only wanted to date Lydia to make Anne jealous when in reality he didn’t even care for her as he did with Anne.. he kept being mean to her and not saying things to her.. but always get mad when it came to something about Will or another guy. Like Anne couldn’t catch a break.... like everything she did didn’t work...

I think he was kind of stupid too when he said that Anne changed. I am like come on now a lot of people change in the three years you’ve haven’t known them.. he even changed himself... but I felt like if he were that butt hurt by her it wouldn’t have talked about her to everybody that he knew & not only that he would’ve written her back too., I mean clearly, Anne was stupid for listening to Rachel smh when it came to breaking up with her public school boyfriend. I was like really if you like someone you could always make it work. 

But at least in the end “after they all got into trouble,” Christopher actually realize he shouldn’t run from his feelings for Anne and actually realiZe how she felt about him... I think he needed to hear what she told their Dean of the school because he was tripping throughout the book.

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Friday, August 16, 2019

Review: Teachers, Schools, and Society: A Brief Introduction to Education

Teachers, Schools, and Society: A Brief Introduction to Education Teachers, Schools, and Society: A Brief Introduction to Education by David Miller Sadker
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I had to read this book for my Instructional Practices for Differentiated Instruction class, I thought this book gave out good information. Especially when learning about differentiated in the classroom, and ways to teach those with a disability. I learn a lot while reading this book for my education course.

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Review: Read My Heart

Read My Heart Read My Heart by R.H. Tucker
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Read my heart

****Throwing spoilers throughout this review**** this was awesome read!!!

I so waiting on a book with Jackson and Cindy... I believe I mentioned it in the book with his best friend, Lucas... Because I also was hoping that Veronica and Micah get together.

But speaking of Veronica and Micah... I understood why Micah didn’t want to tell her what that dust-bag “Joe” said about her... with a name like that he seems like a horrible person even got an OLDER MAN name, unlike the others. Though I know people with the names Joe though their name is Joseph... 

But still, Joe was a horrible dude... it’s crazy how he pretends to be this good guy; but in the end, was actually horrible. I think Cindy was just trying to block out her feeling for Jackson that why she kept going on those stupid dates “that she didn’t even like; want to be on” ... when she knew he was more into Jackson...

Plus; she stayed cursing him out when she really didn’t know what she says to him has to heart him. Often you say things to hurt people that’s what she did because she felt like he hurt her too. I did believe he was playing games with her emotions/feelings and things..... just because he didn’t want to admit that he’s Dyslexic... I mean it can often be hard at times telling someone you date that you have a specific type of disability, especially when you seem like a normal person...

I did like how he started going to those classes and then sign up again for the next semester. I was hoping that he ended up in the community college after he did take those classes that actually was helpful to him... I did want to smack Joe because he acted like those classes at the community college was a waste. When most of the students there spent a lot of time in classes to become what they want to become. The half time people do community college then goes to a university to take up either associate than a bachelor than go into the big lead to graduate school!

I just hope his dad learn what a user Joe is...
Not only that.....


PS I am curious and hopefully, get a book with this series that talks about two polar opposites... 

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Thursday, August 15, 2019

Review: Out to Find Freedom

Out to Find Freedom Out to Find Freedom by Lila Rose
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Out to find freedom was awesome

*** There are a few spoilers throughout this review****

This was awesome.... definitely didn't get disappointed since I already knew that this book was going to be good. Like come on; the whole series was a 5-star read. I can't wait for her to write about everyone kids... seriously... but anyways...

I was glad that Emmie found love and comfort in Ryan... like it's crazy how you never know any of the guy's names until you read about them when they get their own book... like Ryan always been Warden.

Plus; Emmie aunt was a horrible woman, and I understood why Emmie didn't want to be around when especially when it came to what her aunt Gloria did to her while living in that basement for two years...I definitely wanted to slap that girl Harriet since she wasn't a TRUE friend... especially when Emmie was the one who kept Harriet safe and alive by not trying to do anything that could harm that girl family. But in the end only time Harriet came to see Emmie was when she found out where she lives just to get a story for the news.

Smh what a piece of crap pot... she should've let her die... I know that's mean but sheesh but at least Ryan was there to get rid of Harriet crap pot self... clearly she didn't care about what actually happened to Emmie just wanted a story...

Emerson (aka Emmie) ended up with a real family once Ryan and his friends save her from those horrible people... she got what she always wanted after her father died. I know he would've been happy that she ended up with a loving and carrying family, especially after what she been through. Plus; her aunt does anything that she thinks she did... meaning Emerson still ended up getting a guy to love her even with her scars. Where her (Gloria) and her pen face friends will rot in jail for a long time. I did feel bad for Donny and the older woman who tried to save her smh.

Not only that I realize that maybe they kept Emerson around because they needed her signature to sign for the inheritance that she was getting from her dad... who I kept thinking was her grandpa for some reason. But with that being said, I can't wait until the next book to come out!!!!

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Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Review: His Package

His Package His Package by Penelope Bloom
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

His package + her package = love ❤️

***Throwing spoilers throughout this review*** 

I so liked this book when I was reading the book with her best friend, Emily, and Ryan. I was like I am so ready to read the book with Lilith. Because she is crazy as heck and finding out she was the secretary that said those things about William to Hailey was priceless...

But it’s good that they all liked Lilith though; she was bat crazy at times. Though it was clearly an act and it took Liam to come into her life for her to began to smile more and become herself. I clearly wanted her parents to pop up in the book. To see how awesome her life was, and she did get a rich man and became the person who her parents wanted “meaning” if they had a son. 

Liam fit with Lilith in so many ways that I couldn’t stop reading their story; it became good in each chapter and never gotten bored. Though Lilith kind of irritated me how she couldn’t figure out who Celia was when she claimed her name was Claire. & also wish Liam would’ve shown a picture to Lilith because all that crap with trying to ruin their relationship would’ve been avoided. But, clearly what would’ve been the point of this book without that happening and Lilith and Liam getting their revenge on Celia... because that dildo incident was freaking hilarious at its best, plus Florian definitely didn’t care at all about that happening to Celia; because he still wanted her and wanted to marry her but at least he told Liam about what he wanted to do, and Celia left Liam alone for good. Because she was a pain, and it took Price aiming Florian towards her for her to get a clue and leave her stepbrother along because clearly, he didn’t want her at all... 

Not only that William is still hilarious 😂.... hopefully he pops up in the others but highly doubt it especially if either of the males or females in the next books know him and everyone else....

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Monday, August 12, 2019

Review: Rule #6: You Can't Fall for Your Fake Summer Fling

Rule #6: You Can't Fall for Your Fake Summer Fling Rule #6: You Can't Fall for Your Fake Summer Fling by Anne-Marie Meyer
My rating: 3 of 5 stars



I can’t wait for the “Hamilton Prep School Series” to come out..... that’s one of the few books I’m waiting on the first book which is called “Quinn and the Wrong Boy”...

But anyway it took me a minute finish this book. I had to go ahead and read another book, then restart on rereading this book... from where I left off... then when I went back to start this book, I wanted to reread something different. But made myself go ahead and finish it FINALLY...

This book not really boring but I did get boring with reading it since it really pulls me in and wanted more after each chapter trying to find out what happened next... but I did like how Cayden didn’t care about what people thought about Scarlett, she clearly was different from other girls.., what I didn’t like was that Rosalie girl trying to ruin things for both Cayden and Scarlett... I knew she was full of it when she tried giving Scar that money and telling her a bunch of lies... I was glad Bryant told Cayden about what happen so he could get his girl which he did.

Other than that I want a book with “Michelle and Bryant” because I want to know if they will be together in the end since he on the east coast going to school while she’s in Chicago and will she end up in college with him...

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Sunday, August 11, 2019

Review: Teachers, Schools, and Society: A Brief Introduction to Education

Teachers, Schools, and Society: A Brief Introduction to Education Teachers, Schools, and Society: A Brief Introduction to Education by David Miller Sadker
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I had to read this book for my Instructional Practices for Differentiated Instruction class, I thought this book gave out good information. Especially when learning about differentiated in the classroom, and ways to teach those with a disability. I learn a lot while reading this book for my education course.

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Review: Engaged to Mr. Wrong

Engaged to Mr. Wrong Engaged to Mr. Wrong by Lilian Monroe
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

She ended up engaged to Mr. Wrong but in the end, she got her Mr. Right!!

****JUST A FEW SPOILERS; in this review****

This book was good. I was rooting for both Jessie and Farrah to get together. Plus, Elijah was a horrible person... you could just tell, plus I think he always had no has a hate for his older brother Jessie... if you look at how he acts around the girls he date and his brother.... plus he more likely didn't want half the girls that Jessie was dating he only wanted to ruin whatever Jessie has was good. But neither of those girls was good for him because a REAL girlfriend one that wouldn't cheat would actually tell her boyfriend about his brother nor would she end up making out or doing things (like ***) with his younger brother...

I still want to know what his family had to say about that long cut on Jessie's stomach... I also see that Max never responded... but Farrah was even wrong about doing what she did to Max though, her friend Rachel acted like it was Max fault too... how would any of us know when we have no back story of how both of them treated them.... but anyways it's funny how Elijah tried to ruin things for Jessie and Farrah he was the one who ended up losing everything dear to him, like we all say karmas a B....

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Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Review: His Treat

His Treat His Treat by Penelope Bloom
My rating: 5 of 5 stars


**** There are spoilers in this review******

Man I can’t wait to read the book with Lilith, she was the secretary who was mean to Hailey who is Ryan friend who he was working for before she gave him ownership of her business; and she married William who is Lilith boss... 🤣 this girl is priceless. Can’t wait until she finds love herself... maybe hers will be a little freak in it who knows...

Plus, I do like Emily and Ryan together even before they started dating up until they did. Plus, Steve is hilarious, smh, I am just hoping maybe the author will make a book about him and perhaps even Stephanie, I wanted her to find love too...

What I did figure out was Ryan was going to follow Emily to Paris, which I think it’s a good idea that she still pursued her dreams and he didn’t try to stop her from it... usually like, when men want something the woman has to stop what she’s doing. 

William and Steve was hilarious throughout this whole book both of them made it fun to read because they always had me laughing by all the crazy things they were doing when it came to Emily and Ryan... but at least they ended up with each other because lord knows it took them long enough to figure out how they wanted each other and had feelings that ran deeper than they believe could.... but I was hoping they ended back in America, after her apprentice...

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Sunday, August 4, 2019

Review: Tessa

Tessa Tessa by Kayla Tirrell
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Okay read

****Spoilers*** Just not many***

Okay! I can say this book was good! At first, I was like this book “not good” well more so doesn’t sound interesting at all. That I didn’t want to read it…. but actually glad, I did…

But what I am hoping for everyone hear about Alex being on a scholarship in one of those other books in this series because he was a horrible person especially to Tessa and Angelo…

I was trying to figure out what race Angelo was I was like is he Asian or Mexican…

But anyway, I like how both Tessa and Angelo were good for each other. That professor they had for Art I think his name is “Professor Crick” he knew what he was doing when he set up Tessa and Angelo together. Though he was mean half the time when it came to Tessa and did act like one of the Big Five’s when he clearly thought he didn’t…

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Review: Hot Roommate Blues

Hot Roommate Blues by Parker Avrile My rating: 4 of 5 stars ***Spoilers here and there*** I’m a start of...