Thursday, May 30, 2019

Review: Hot Mess

Hot Mess Hot Mess by R. Linda
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

It was good

••*** There's a will or a possibility of a few or a lot of spoilers****•••

I thought hmmm; the Description ehhh... not sure if it's going to be good or not! But dang it was actually good. I laugh a lot while reading this book. Wren was hilarious, especially when it came to her pizza. But what I realize is that often that a lot of authors have written books about women who are big bone & that they have either been disrespected for being more significant or relationships has failed. When in reality that's not the case... because for one woman who is medium size or skinny has it hard too when it comes to people judging there size and loving them for who they are... I just want a book with at least with a skinny or medium size female with these problems and also over 5'5...

Other than that I actually liked this book because for one Tate was good for Wren and Wren was good for Tate... I was glad when he got rid of Rachel horrible self.... she was so annoying and hated on Wren for no particular reason; when Wren didn't give a flying rats ass about Rachel... I was surprised that Wren didn't say anything about the party Rachel had in her back yard & then telling everyone to leave. When Wren got in her ass for calling her a whale... I don't understand how someone can hate someone due to their size, either small or big.... for one Wren had a real body whereas Rachel was plastic... I glad Tate wanted real over fake... quirky over wack.. weird or boogie...

Btw: I wonder what book two will be about... hopefully, her friend Eva 😌👌

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Review: The Secret Girl: A High School Bully Romance

The Secret Girl: A High School Bully Romance The Secret Girl: A High School Bully Romance by C.M. Stunich
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Dude This book was really good I’m upset....

•••• Dude’s its Spoilers in this review.•••

Omg, I’m so pissed OFF like WHY it had to be Spencer 😩😭 like I liked him and wanted him with Charlotte aka Chuck.... man I’m so upset 😭like ugh!!!!!!! Like I want to read book two so bad, but it’s not even out or available yet..... like a man why... can’t Spencer be alive 😩 so mad... that I can’t even or care to explain the reason in this book.

Like I was like why haven’t either of them went to get Spencer at all... before they even went to find out where the bloody handprints went too. Bad enough; I was panic when Ranger didn’t pop up; then they got him out that tunnel. & he wasn’t breathing... then finding out that the twins found Spencer with a rope around his neck like WHY 😩😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

I want to know who is the one that’s was gunning for Chuck (Charlotte) & I think they went after Spencer because he had a thing for Charlie 😩 now they going to after the other four guys now. Like ugh; I didn’t like them for picking and doing evil things to Charlie when she first got there but after a while more so when they found out that she was a girl it gotten better, but it also got a little better after the Halloween (I think), but whatever I am still upset about Spencer 😭😩😩😩😩😩😩😩 I swear I hope they find about what happened to Spencer sister Jenica & why no one wants to talk about & the police among others not doing anything about. Before someone else ends up dead... I can’t take it..... I wonder how long he been out there before they found Spencer 😞😞😞😞 like UGH they thought he was in Cabin 10; where I wish that where he was 😩😭 I freaking hate reading books that makes me sad...

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Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Review: Leah's Song

Leah's Song Leah's Song by Daphne James Huff
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

It was good

•••Going to be just a few may be a little more Spoilers in this review.•••••

So one thing I would like to say is Leah family is horrible not only her family but her best friend Lily too. For one, her parents just ugh! They paid more attention to the oldest daughter (Jenn) then they did the two youngest (Leah & Luke) like what In the world.... half the time they didn’t even know Luke was home... what got me like really? Was when her mom told Leah to pay for her own dress for the dance but her mom bought Jenn a dress I was wth! That is so wrong. & said that I hope they don’t pay attention to Leah then when Jenn go off to college; because for one I would’ve been like boop> you didn’t care about me when Jenn was here why am I getting your attention now.

The funny thing is they (the parents & Jenn) was mad at Luke for getting into trouble, but neither of them gave a crap about him at all... always fussing ONLY when he got into trouble it was good that he realizes the stupid mistakes he made... Bad influences will make it bad and hard on teenagers... it’s good not to have a weak mind and follow what others do.

Also; Lily I wanted to smack fire from her & smack Leah too for wanting to apologize when it should’ve been Lily who should’ve apologized knowing that Josh didn’t want or like her at all. Going to hold a grudge and string another guy along to make another one jealous that didn’t even want her whereas the other guy who she strings along did. I was glad when Leah got a brain after the competition because she got on my last nerve when it came to Lily like girl gets your own mind and make a decision that is best for you not for Lily...

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Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Review: Stage Kiss

Stage Kiss Stage Kiss by M.F. Lorson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Pretty good book

****•Zombie this review with a lot of spoilers; so beware****•

Okay so this review going to a short one since I more likely don’t have much to say. So this book it was actually really good; though I was kind of hesitant about reading it since I thought it was going to be boring “literally” but turn out it wasn’t boring at all.

Plus; I was curious about Erin sister “Annabelle” and why she left and was wondering why she left! But finally found out the reason and she did come back. Hopefully to stay; though it would be interesting to have a story about Annabelle. Also; I was rooting for Peter and Erin to get together (but his name had to be Peter; that is a horrible name like Jet is... yuck! But anyways I was glad that Ashley didn’t end up Homecoming Queen and Amy ended up being it... I felt like I actually read a book by this author with Amy being crown the homecoming queen, and that also; she ended up with an awesome boyfriend in the end.

With that being said; it’s good that Libby (horrible name by the way) Nick and Erin end up friends again though what they did “Libby and Nick” did to Erin was horrible... though in my opinion I believe that she didn’t even want or like Nick the way he liked her at that time... he realize it after they had kiss. I think that she didn’t care for it because she may have still had that full-blown crush on Peter as she said once she started being around Peter more. But in they all get what they wanted ... Erin with Peter; her getting her sister back, Nick and Libby making up, and Ashley not being homecoming queen it ended up being to someone who deserves it because Erin knew she didn’t want to become homecoming queen and Peter shown her that.

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Monday, May 27, 2019

Review: Fake It

Fake It Fake It by Alexis Winter
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Fake it; until you end up in LOVE

•••There's a lot of spoilers probably in this book••••

So omg this book was actually good, and also different from the other engage pretend books I have read which is 100% better and a plus... I don't think I would've liked this book if it was; so with that being said.....

I never thought that Samatha best friend Janelle aka El.... was the one that set up this fake engagement with Cameron... I knew that both Cam and Sam was going to end up falling for one other, especially with the way they were acting towards one another. With Cam getting jealous when Sam went out on the date with Dr. Ken aka Dr. McSexy. I think Samatha did the right thing because for one it proved that Cameron actually was jealous and upset about her talking to another man... knowing that he had a feeling for her and genuinely loved her. But neither of them confessed their love for one other because both were scared. But in the end it was Janelle who gotten them well more so Cameron to go over and talk to Samatha and both of them end up apologizing to each other; and ended up getting engaged for real this time.... this book was awesome can't wait to read the other two books "Castile hotel series".

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Review: Game Plan

Game Plan Game Plan by Kayla Tirrell
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Definitely was a game plan with a end goal

••••Spoilers in this review••••

Soooo; dude, I been planning to read this book! I couldn’t wait for it to come out... I was like I am so ready for Preston and Daria to date... but somehow; I forgot her name was Daria I thought it was something else for some reason. I don’t know why; but anyway it’s crazy to think that both Preston and Daria actually liked each other but was hiding their feelings for each other. Though half the time Preston was an idiot... I was a little mad that he did that to Daria over spring break... I’m like wow not cool; to not tell the person you were supposedly dating that you got back with your ex.

Though; in the book with Preston and I believe it was Mackey, Beth seem like an okay person, but turn out she was just horrible. But between Beth; being a turd... I want to know if Anderson will find someone to tame him; or is it the girl he (Anderson) taken to the prom? Will the author write a story on him who knows.

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Sunday, May 26, 2019

Review: Rule #5: You Can't Trust the Bad Boy

Rule #5: You Can't Trust the Bad Boy Rule #5: You Can't Trust the Bad Boy by Anne-Marie Meyer
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

You can trust the bad boy

••••Spoilers; but not that many, no!***•••

Okay, this book was good; I was glad that Jet gave Brielle the experience that she truly needed because her parents were horrible. I always say being rich is not always a happy life because often people with a lot of money think people less money is beneath them..... that was definitely Brielle parents; until they learn actually to start caring more for Brielle and let her run; her own life instead of controlling it for her. If it wasn’t for her meeting Jet; I think she would’ve spent that tome with Stefano or whatever his name is that don’t care to remember.

Jet; was good for her, and she was good for him. Also; I knew that Jasmine girl was going to be horrible soon as they started singing that song “The Boy is Mine” by Brandy and Monica... I was like yup; Brielle should’ve seen that coming when the girl started talking to her in the bathroom. Never trust someone when it comes to their ex; because often if she still wants him, she coming after you.

But in the end, Brielle was the one who gotten Jett! & her parents learn to like him as Brielle did, which was a good thing.

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Friday, May 24, 2019

Review: Sincerely Cinderella

Sincerely Cinderella Sincerely Cinderella by Kelsie Stelting
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Funny how they didn’t realize they knew each other...

••••There's a couple of spoilers throughout this review•••

It’s interesting to know that this book was included in the pen pal romance series that I read. Like I wonder did she go to school with Fabio & Grace and the two from Dear Adam. In my opinion, never mind might be from another book. 😂 But anyways, I liked this book totally different.

Though; I can say, I was like ‘here we go again” with the pen pal theme with some girl acting like she’s Cinderella with the horrible stepmom and steps sisters. But thank god it was different from the other book I had read about a girl whose pen name was “Cinderella”.... this story was good but also sad; because of what happened to Cindy. But in a good way, she ended up happier when she learns to embrace her blindness and accept that she could make it on her own in the world without her dad. Often when you are close to a parent, and then they go gone, or you actually move away, it can be hard for a while until you get used to it.

I was glad she had Jet; and Raven. Not so much as Addie she was just horrible; smh 🤦🏽‍♀️ you can’t do that to someone after they told you what their ex-boyfriend and an ex-best friend did to them ... I was like dang Addie wasn’t even Cindy friend to sit and lie on both her and Jett and Jett was on suspension, and Cindy got probation for the lies that Addie told, but I was glad In the end Cindy confronted Addie about what happens, and everybody learns the truth. Plus; Shay was also nicer, in the end, we’ll always be in my opinion when she learns to accept Cindy for being blind... she helped her by snitching own her mom to help Cindy.

Because Shay and Taylor mom who was Cindy aunt was just horrible she was taking Cindy trust fund money; taking trying to remodel or something to her Cindy dad house; plus opening up credit cards In Cindy name. Like sheesh, she was taking advantage of someone who couldn’t help themselves I n ways if it were for Shay or Cindy caseworker Terri I don’t think Cindy would’ve gotten what she needed when it came to her aunt... I was glad that her aunt got in trouble for fraud. But it was interesting to see other blind people helping those who are newly blind and not so newly blind. & dating someone who also blind... I never saw or read anything like that before.

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Review: Outplayed

Outplayed Outplayed by Lila Rose
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

It was good

•••Spoilers but not as many•••

That’s cute when Link said that Izzy wanted to do his hair I had to laugh at that part. Hopefully kind of sort of maybe Link would get a book too.... especially if he keeps popping up in this one...

But anyways; I really liked this book; and was glad that Talon sister Violet found herself love again with her ex-boyfriend Travis. At first, I was like who in the world is Travis when the author stated this book would be out this month. I had to go back to “Holding Out” with Talon and Zara... to figure out who Travis was 😂 I’m like ooooh he the guy that kidnapped Zara and was Violet old fling... but thank god he got rid of Pam... I didn’t even like her in Holding Out when she accused Zara of attacking her when Zara did no such thing! Plus; it’s hilarious how people kept popping up at Travis house unannounced like dang he needed better security because they surely do suck anyone can come into his house. At any time of the day... like dang!!! But at least in the end both Violet and Travis found each other, and more Violet accepted that she did still care for Travis, and her brother Talon accepted it though he doesn’t want Travis to hurt her which I understand.. & Izzy got a mother (step-mom) in the end...

P.S. I’m ready for the author to write the books about the children.... because I swear Maya and Texas might hook up... because when I was reading OutGamed, I was like hmm... it’s something there...

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Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Review: Misadventures with My Ex

Misadventures with My Ex Misadventures with My Ex by Shayla Black
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

****There's a possibility that its spoilers; in this review****

It’s interesting how the author wrote a book about Ella sister “Eryn“ & I read the story on Ella and Carson it was good enough.., and can’t wait to see how Eryn story goes... I hope the author Shayla Black writes a book about both Eryn and Ella sister Echo.... & her best friends Hayes... “***eyebrows raise up & down”******
Or fall for one of his friends or some other guy; while pinning over Hayes, but end up falling someone else “a girl can only hope•••****

But back to the story of Eryn and Wes .... one thing I don’t like is how long the kissing and stuff be... it be dragging and dragging.... like half of the one chapter 😂 almost fell asleep I’m like get to the sex’n part already smh 🤦🏽‍♀️ I rather read a short version of the kissing part that takes forever. I am like dang is he ever going to get the sex part finish so that he can tell her why he left... that’s what my concern is mostly about... but at least their second time wasn’t long winded...

Eryn got on my last nerve during chapter nine she was kind of whiny like Jheeze... she was also dumb because for one she believes West mother when West and even his own uncle Edward even said to her don’t believe her or whatever. And her dumb self going to fall for the trap and cry a freaking river. Knowing if they don’t end up married; she going to have regrets and crying; while wearing the wedding dress once again... 🙄 I’m like idiot West “in love with you” idiot the board meeting is nearing that’s why he was staying after so long! Her brain is like a 3... dumb... I was like if this bitch doesn’t marry him I’m a punch her through the phone... but in the end I was glad that she finally realizes she was an idiot and decided to marry Weston..., not only that also Edward coming to apologize and telling Eryn that it was him in the pictures and not West... it’s also good that he ended up sober, and hopefully, it stays that way too.

Btw: Dude why do I want Eryn and Ella little sister “Echo” to end up with Weston brother “Flynn” ha... only wishful thinking more likely she be with Hayes if she has her own book. But that’s what I’m hoping in the next misadventures book that Shayla Black writes she writes the story with Echo and Hayes... they are the complete opposite I do wonder how that even works... plus I LOVE “Echo” name ..

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Review: Misadventures with My Ex

Misadventures with My Ex Misadventures with My Ex by Shayla Black
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

****There's a possibility that its spoilers; in this review****

It’s interesting how the author wrote a book about Ella sister “Eryn“ & I read the story on Ella and Carson it was good enough.., and can’t wait to see how Eryn story goes... I hope the author Shayla Black writes a book about both Eryn and Ella sister Echo.... & her best friends Hayes... “***eyebrows raise up & down”******
Or fall for one of his friends or some other guy; while pinning over Hayes, but end up falling someone else “a girl can only hope•••****

But back to the story of Eryn and Wes .... one thing I don’t like is how long the kissing and stuff be... it be dragging and dragging.... like half of the one chapter 😂 almost fell asleep I’m like get to the sex’n part already smh 🤦🏽‍♀️ I rather read a short version of the kissing part that takes forever. I am like dang is he ever going to get the sex part finish so that he can tell her why he left... that’s what my concern is mostly about... but at least their second time wasn’t long winded...

Eryn got on my last nerve during chapter nine she was kind of whiny like Jheeze... she was also dumb because for one she believes West mother when West and even his own uncle Edward even said to her don’t believe her or whatever. And her dumb self going to fall for the trap and cry a freaking river. Knowing if they don’t end up married; she going to have regrets and crying at the wedding dress once again... 🙄 I’m like idiot West “in love with you” idiot the board meeting is nearing that’s why he was staying after so long! Her brain is like a 3... dumb... I was like if this bitch doesn’t marry him I’m a punch her through the phone... but in the end I was glad that she finally realizes she was an idiot and decided to marry Weston..., not only that also Edward coming to apologize and telling Eryn that it was him in the pictures and not West... it’s also good that he ended up sober, and hopefully, it stays that way too.

Btw: dude why do I want Eryn and Ella little sister to end up with Weston brother “Flynn” ha... only wishful thinking more likely she be with Jaynes if she has her own book. But that’s what I’m hoping in the next misadventures book that Shayla Black writes she writes the story with Eryn and Hayes... they are the complete opposite I do wonder how that even works...

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Monday, May 20, 2019

Review: Cheap Trick:

Cheap Trick: Cheap Trick: by Emily Goodwin
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

It was good

*** There are spoilers throughout***

I liked this book. Not sure this will be a long review. But we'll see once I finish typing.

So anyways; I liked Logan and Danielle story, for one I was sad that her grandfather died I was excited that he was alive when she was in his room; but I assume 9/10 her father and I mean her mother and her grandfather maybe was arguing that lead to his heart to start and him dying but who knows. Only the author does. But I was glad Dani didn't listen to her parents about coming back and working for her uppity parents and working at his business and doing what they want her to do...... I think living in the country, and not the city is way better. That's where I live.... but her picking her own happiness is so much better... her sister I can tell doesn't want that life ... kind of jealous a tiny bit but not much... her parents are just horrible, but at least she has Logan parents and everyone who cares and don't think money is everything.

Btw I can't wait for Owen story that's coming on June 13th..... that's going to get me excited because I want him to be happy to and stop his whorish ways for GOOD.

P.S. But in the end, I am glad that Logan and Danielle got married for real this time; which I knew was going to happen anyways; plus with Dani ending up pregnant which I knew was going to happen also...I was just glad she picked staying over living this time...

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Saturday, May 18, 2019

Review: Fabio vs. the Friend Zone

Fabio vs. the Friend Zone Fabio vs. the Friend Zone by Kelsie Stelting
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Fabio v. Friend Zone

***Just a few spoilers in this book; I mean review***

So okay; it took me a minute to read this since I was reading other books too. But I was glad that I got around to reading and finishing this book. It was a good book to read; I definitely enjoyed this book. I wasn’t disappointed at all with reading this book! It was actually a good book to read. I enjoy Fabio and Grace story... One thing I was sure of that he was more likely going to end up following her to China instead of her staying in the United States and going to college at that Texas college! But I was glad for the happy ending, and both of them get what they wanted in the end...

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Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Review: Bea and the Bad Boy: Young Adult Sweet Romance

Bea and the Bad Boy: Young Adult Sweet Romance Bea and the Bad Boy: Young Adult Sweet Romance by Anna Catherine Field
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

It was good

**** There are spoilers in this review***•••

This book was good; I get why Bea was upset..... with her brother and her best friend... I think that if they would’ve told her and made her understand she wouldn’t have blown everything up... or she could’ve at least talk to her best friend about it, but she didn’t. I didn’t like how her brother treated her by saying things to her and not Katherine. I was glad she had Carter because he wasn’t like her brother who I kept thinking he wanted the spotlight more than his sister and didn’t want her to shine... but she got more shine than he did with her fake dating Carter... which was good.

That Sabrina girl was just horrible and the funny thing about it there are so many females in the real world who have lied or teen boys and men about they tried rapping or have done something to them. Which come to find out is a line. That’s why I said men think they can do things to females to hurt or harm them, but females can do way worse than a man can... I hated what happened to Carter mom I don’t understand how women can stay with a man who is abusive to them or their kids... there’s no such thing as love if you have to put yourself through something like that... but both Carter and Bea made each other better for one another., though Carter could’ve shut down all those rumors about him.

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Monday, May 13, 2019

Review: Grand Romance

Grand Romance Grand Romance by Peter Styles
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

It was good I want part 2

***Spoilers; not much***

This book was actually good; I actually liked this book; it was cute longer than the other mm romance books I’ve read. I am never known why the mm romance always short ... but I thought that Alex and Logan were cute together. It was good that Logan is finally gotten around to being nice to Alex since, in reality, he liked Alex and Alex finally figured well. Jane told him how Logan wanted him.....

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Saturday, May 11, 2019

Review: Zone Defense:

Zone Defense: Zone Defense: by Gavin E. Black
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

It was a great book; I do read MM romance from time to time

••••****** There are spoilers throughout this review****••••

This book was good; I could tell that Aaron was more likely gay, but was confused by what he may be; possibly bisexual or full-blown gay. I cracked up when Aaron said

"I almost got fucking hypothermia making sure I was cold enough to have an excuse to climb into bed with you."

That was funny he was definitely determined that night but the next day; was completely confused. But what suck was how Nathan push him away after Aaron came out and said he wanted him and didn't care who knows. Not only that broken off things with Sarah for Nathan!!!! But one they split... Nathan realizes his mistake, in the end, I was glad that Aaron shows him that bar and Nathan finally confessed the way he felt about Aaron and he got what he always wanted Aaron on the bottom.

But I was confused as Nathan, about his friends Aaron friends hearing everything that Nathan was confessing etc., until Aaron admitted that his friends know that he's gay: that they only surprised that he had a girlfriend ha....priceless... but one thing I would say is that for if Aaron wasn't gay he would've been weirded out by Nathan jerking Off then showing his ding-a-ling! But he wasn't he rub the cum off Nathan face the first time they met and sucked the cum off his thumb right there tell you that 9 out of 10 Aaron was gay or bi-curious... wanted to see if he actually liked men or just Nathan...

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Review: More Than Friends

More Than Friends More Than Friends by Aria Grace
My rating: 5 of 5 stars


I've read this book before, not realizing that I did because the cover of the book has changed. So I am going to be updating, my review and point out that, yet again, I liked this book it's different. I've read books like this before. I thought, that Ryan, may have been gay, anyway since, he wasn't feeling his ex-girlfriend Brooke anyway, he may have had a thing for men but just didn't know it, whereas Zack knew that Ryan, may have liked men, well more so Zack brought Ryan gayness out, and showed him that he could really like a man, and want to be with a man, and nothing was wrong with it. Not once did Ryan felt awkward when he was woken up to Zack being beside him, even with his morning wood. But oh well, at least he realizes in the end that he wanted to be with Zack and went and gotten his man, due to the fact Zack tapping on his window...

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Review: Never Have I Ever Faked a Boyfriend

Never Have I Ever Faked a Boyfriend Never Have I Ever Faked a Boyfriend by Juliet Bardsley
My rating: 5 of 5 stars


****Just a few spoilers*****

I liked this book it was cute and short; I was glad that Eric picked Bri over Aryanna I don’t get why most popular guys choose the most horrible popular girls to date... when they could get any non-popular girl to date who’s ten times better than the one they had.

I had to laugh when Aryanna wanted Eric back; when she disses him for a college guy. She didn’t want him when he was stressed over her leaving him. Because she knew she had him by the strings, but soon Bri came in the picture she tried putting her claws into him.

When they (Bri and Eric) went to Aryanna party, I knew it was a set up to break Bri & Eric up... but in the end, I was glad that Bri was forgiving Eric and the Spring Fling & not only that Sam and Savanah started dating too it would’ve been cool that they got a book also.

Btw; when you meet the family you know it’s real! Plus; Eric mom liked Bri better than Aryanna right there told Eric something; Aryana wasn’t good for him whereas Bri was and vise versa.

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Monday, May 6, 2019

Review: Kissing the Boy Next Door

Kissing the Boy Next Door Kissing the Boy Next Door by Judy Corry
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

It was good

••***Spoilers throughout this review**••

I thought this book was way better than the others to this series that I read... it kept me interested... I figured that Lauren dad was the real dad, especially when they were trying to figure out what the family feud was all about. The whole time it wasn’t even Wes parents nor was it her dad (the man that raised her) fought... more so it was her mom, keeping those secrets from both her husband and daughter even though her husband knew already. But it would’ve been better if her mom was women enough to tell Lauren about her birth father. Nobody told her mom to spread her legs and rebound with TJ aka Travis aka Lauren and Wes cross country coach! Then end up pregnant and keeping it a secret... if only she would’ve been truthful I think that family feud wouldn’t have happened because her mom felt some way when Wes mom asked her questions about TJ... But in the end, I'm glad that everyone finally got along and forgiven each other...

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Friday, May 3, 2019

Review: Rebound Boyfriend

Rebound Boyfriend Rebound Boyfriend by Daphne James Huff
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Omg Jeremiah this Jeremiah that like sheesh

Okay •••• Spoilers throughout••••

Okay! This book was good, but OMFG Sammi got on my last nerve. Like ugh; all she did was obsessed over Jeremiah but when Ryan said he liked someone else; she felt some way. I’m like she didn’t even want him so why do she care... especially when Ryan didn’t run to her on different occasions... she was ONLY thinking about JEREMIAH for peak sake like sheesh!

But she was an idiot to think that Linkie waits Linzie was her friend look at what happened with Anderson and Charlie, and how Anderson cheated on her with Linzie. Even though, Jeremiah didn’t technically cheat he still left Sammi for Linzie of all people. That girl is a jealous thot! Keep messing around with people men...

Luckily Sammi found out and finally gotten with Jeremiah because I could barely handle reading about her whining and comparing Ryan to Jeremiah.... 9/10; I figure Ryan was shy or didn’t even want her that was the reason why he acted that way towards her. It was just painful reading this book because all she did was whine, but at least she got her friendship back with Staci! Now I want Staci to find love with someone, and pray to god if she does she isn’t whiny as her best friend Samantha good god it was dreadful...

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Review: Hot Roommate Blues

Hot Roommate Blues by Parker Avrile My rating: 4 of 5 stars ***Spoilers here and there*** I’m a start of...