Through the Layers by
R.H. Tucker
My rating:
3 of 5 stars
Definitely had to go through a lot of layers will say I’m giving this book a 3 star ⭐️⭐️⭐️ because one, Veronica was very annoying and always whining about her weight and her insecurities about herself. I clearly understand what she’s feeling but seriously through the entire book? Like sheesh! To top it off her own best friend didn’t have boobies or was thicker as she. She was never insecure at all. A lot of times those who are thicker think women/girls who are slimmer than them doesn’t have insecurities, but they do. I felt like Micah cared about Veronica he didn’t see anything wrong with her, but in her mind, she thinks negatively about herself. I kept rolling my eyes like girl shut up already sheesh if you so concern about your weight that much to work out. Like um hello your boyfriend and his best friend stayed working out that’s all she could’ve done. Instead of being whiny and complaining 24/7. I knew that Micah had some insecurities too she didn’t realize he had them himself until the end. I hated how her brothers treated Micah towards the end when it was Veronica fought that her brothers had problems with Micah. She kept running away from Micah especially when Lana came around. Normal girls would stay not leave their boyfriend with their ex. She was very dumb for that. Gave me a headache, I was glad when I was DONE with this book.
P.S. I see the next book is about Taylor I wish Taylor and Cynthia would get together but I can tell that’s not the case :( if not I hope there’s a book about her too after Taylor story...
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